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May 25, 2023, 8 tweets

⚡️ Two Reward, One Action: #LayerZero and #PolygonzkEVM ⚡️

@LayerZero_Labs recently announced the 'Polygon zkEVM' integration

🔔 Today we will mint #NFT on Polygon zkEVM and transfer it to Polygon with LayerZero

🧵 Let's start friends 👇


1️⃣ $ETH Bridge

🟣 We need #ETH in Polygon zkEVM to be able to pay gas fee

🟣 Transfer some ETH with the Bridge in the link below

🔗 go to 👉…

2️⃣ Polygon zkEVM #NFT Mint

🟣 Open this contract 👉

🟣 Connect with your wallet

🟣 Then, click to the write and mint your NFT

🚨 You will pay approximately $0.5 gas fee for this transaction

3️⃣ Cross Chain NFT Transfer

⚡️ After we mint NFT we will transfer it from zkEVM to Polygon

👀 You will see your #NFT in the "ERC721 Token" section

🟣 Copy the NFT's ID number (We will use in the next step)

🌐 explorer 👉

4️⃣ Cross Chain NFT Transfer

🌐 Go to NFT contract again and open "CrossChain" section

🟣 0.001 ➡️ The amount of ETH to be paid for the gas fee.

🟣 109 ➡️ Polygon chain ID

🟣 200011 ➡️ Your NFT's ID

🚀 Fill in the table and click write!

5️⃣ LayerZero Scan

🔗 go to 👉

🔔 Do you want to check if the transaction is valid for LayerZero?

🟣 Search the tx code of the transaction on zkEVM in LayerZero scan. No problem if you have a transaction...

6️⃣ Thanks

⚡️ You should follow @0xCygaar who wrote this Contract and helps people with such transactions

✨ He also indirectly helped in the creation of this content

Thanks for reading...

I hope the thread was helpful. Don't forget to like ❤️ and retweet 🔁 the first tweet



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