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May 26, 2023, 10 tweets

There have been multiple questions /doubts /clarifications after the Govt announced the installation of #SengolAtNewParliament . Wanted to pick of few of the points & try to reason out.

First, is it really true that British asked for a Symbol ? Possibly yes as they give lot of

importance to traditions & in all probability the question might have been asked to Nehru formally or informally. Why did Nehru speak to Rajaji? That is because Rajaji was by far the best of his close aides who has knowledge on the traditions &heritage of the country at that time

Note that this incident is officially recorded in the Thiruvavaduthurai records & no reason to suspect it

Rajaji was a Vaishnavite & Kanchi Mutt was famous at that time. Why Thiruvavaduthurai then? Thiruvavaduthurai Adheenam has a treasure trove collection of historical records

with many manuscripts from Sangam Days. If one reads ‘En Sarithiram’ of U Ve Saminatha Iyer, this can be inferred as it was like a mini university. So there is no surprise that the Adheenam was reached to provide a solution to the issue as Rajaji might have needed some historical

backing than going to Nehru with only a spiritual angle.

Why the Adheenam didn’t go? Sri Ambalavana Desikar who incidentally has the same name of the current Adheenam (Coincident?) was sick & that’s why he has asked his Thambiran to go for this occasion

This incidents was narrated by the current Adheenam & there is no room for any doubt on that front.

Then the laughable suggestion that the Sengol was just a gift. Of the 1000s of Mutt’s across India, the Adheenam sending a group of Othuvars, a prominent Nageswara Vidwan

(TN Rajaratnam Pillai) and others for just giving a gift ? Of all the ‘gifts’ received, this incident figures predominantly in ‘Time’ Magazine and in the book ‘Freedom at Midnight’ ? One must be kidding if they think this is just a gift. It definitely has a significance & hence

the prominent reference of Sceptre & handing over ceremony with the a Photo

Perhaps the bizarre thing is few saying Sengol is a Symbol of monarchy. Innumerable literature & inscriptional evidence in Tamil history says Sengol is a Symbol of Dharmic rule,good Governance & Justice

Kings were holding it in those times while conducting the affairs of the country as they were the rulers. During current times of democracy,it needs to be in the place where the governance happens. So saying Sengol is symbol of monarchy shows nothing but ignorance of our heritage

Now the Adheenam himself has come forward to expose the lies of naysayers

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