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May 26, 2023, 13 tweets

🥁 Congratulation to #Aptos #Airdrop receivers🥁

👀And If you missed the previous airdrop of Aptos then now still there's chances to grab Airdrop round 2 🪂

🚀We will try to cover possible criteria for Round 2 airdrop

♥️Like & Retweet🔁LFG🚀 Read more 🧵👇🏻


😍 Let's Dive into Tokenomics and remaining airdrop portion detail⚡️

▫️Aptos total supply: 1,033,725,049
▫️Supply allocated for community: 51.02%
▫️Airdrop 1 Distribution: 2% ~ 20 million token to 110,235 eligible address

There are some chances for Airdrop Round 2 🤫

2/12 🧵

🔸We will look into following topics for increasing our chances on Round 2 drop 👇🏻

1) Forum Sign in and interaction
2) Few important wallet & dexes
3) Few Aptos NFT marketplaces
4) Aptos Name service
5) Aptos official Bridge
6) Liquid staking of APT in tortuga


👉🏻 Forum Link:

1) Sign in using email or discord in which you got airdrop or use new

2) Badges are being collected but now it's on maintenance.

3) Complete profile & be active on forum


👝Wallets available in Aptos Network And general overview

🔹Top Aptos Wallet @martian_wallet
🔹No native token released

1) Download :…
2) Create Wallet
3) Do some swap on #aptos as well as on #sui network


🔸Next wallet @PontemNetwork
🔸No native token

1) Download:…
2) Create wallet
3) Perform swap, bridge and stake



🔹These have No native tokens yet.
🔹Create wallet, do some swaps use almost all the features provided.

1. @FewchaWallet Download:
2. @PetraWallet Download:
3. @EvoWalletAptos Download:


🔸NFT Marketplaces

1️⃣ Leading NFT Marketplace @BlueMove_OA
🔹Native token already trading at $0.075

🔗 Link:
1) Connect wallet
2) Buy and sell few NFT's on Aptos chain


2️⃣ @TopazMarket is another Aptos supporting NFT marketplace

🔹No native token released yet
🔹Buy and sell NFT's

3️⃣ @nft_souffl3 Is huge NFT market

🔹Token will release soon
🔹Do some buy-sell over here


🔸Aptos Name service like ENS it can give good profit,
let's try it

1) Name Registration link:
2) Connect any aptos wallets
3) Search name ( Mix of alphabet and digit cost u less domain fee)
4) Register name


🔸Official Aptos bridge supported by @LayerZero_Labs

2)Connect aptos and Zkevm wallets
3)Swap between given Networks

Try to bridge multiple times among different Network ✅


🔸 Popular liquid staking on @Aptos_Network i.e @TortugaFinance

Governance token coming soon 🪙

🔹Stake tAPT and earn Tortuga
🔹Swap APT to TAPT here:
🔹Tortuga Link:
🔹 Stake & Use all lending, swap features as well


💪Stick with us, will be see you soon in the Next one🫡

✅If you have Any Update, DM us on Twitter💌

✨Make sure to♥️Like & Retweet🔁
📱Join us on TG:

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