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Trump: GUILTY of FRAUD 4 times in 7 yrs. Rape ONCE. Now? CONVICTED FELON. Out-on-bail for 3 MORE crimes. USAF Vet. USM & OU grad. Proud Dem. No lists. #VoteBlue

May 26, 2023, 6 tweets

Supreme Court declared in Dobb’s decision:

1. 14th Amendment didn’t mean WOMEN had rights to Life, Liberty, Property.

2. Abortion NOT a right because NOT enumerated. 9th Amendment states rights MAY NOT BE DENIED because NOT enumerated.

Tell them NO. #VoteBlueNoMatterWho

14th Amendment said “ALL PERSONS had right to LIFE, LIBERTY & PROPERTY. But, didn’t mean BLACK men, or WOMEN. We know because they had to pass 15th & 19th Amendments to clarify Blacks/Women = Persons.

TODAY, Supreme Court saying same thing: 14th Amendment doesn’t apply to WOMEN.

It is impossible to imagine the SCOTUS could declare 14th Amendment didn’t apply to BLACK men. How is it acceptable they denied it applied to WOMEN?

It IS time that Constitution be AMENDED to INCLUDE 51% of U.S. population.

@SenateGOP @SenateDems @HouseGOP @HouseDemocrats

9th Amendment said not all rights need be enumerated to BE rights. 13th Amendment prohibits FORCED BIRTH of blacks for population: does it not apply to white women? 14th Amendment promised STATES could NOT take LIFE, LIBERTY, or PROPERTY: women risk ALL THOSE in childbirth.

IF 14th Amendment DOES NOT INCLUDE women as “persons born/naturalized on U.S. soil” with right to “life, liberty, property” then isn’t it HIGH TIME the Constitution be AMENDED? To remove all doubt? IF can remove a woman’s right to LIFE (childbirth inherently risky)—what’s next?

There are AMERICAN men/women who possess the RELIGIOUS ZEALOTRY of 3rd world nations. Some sit in SCOTUS.

SCOTUS passing legislation due to CHRISTIAN beliefs violates First Amendment: Freedom of Religion.

This is America. And, here? RIGHTS matter.


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