Jim Stewartson, Counterinsurgent 🇺🇸🇺🇦💙🎈 Profile picture
Emmy-winning creative technologist, @RadicalizedPod co-host, Journalist: https://t.co/QvvP9wRDg2. This is not politics. This is a coup. #ArrestMikeFlynn

May 27, 2023, 7 tweets

There has been a concerted effort by disinformation agents to label psychological operations aka psyops as some sort of BlueAnon conspiracy theory. That is propaganda.

We cannot defeat psyops without admitting their existence.

One person who is very familiar with psychological operations admits that QAnon is a “damn good psyop.”

This was Mike Flynn’s Mother’s Day psyop urging sedition in conjunction with QAnon “Save the children” propaganda.

Psyops are often designed to generate stochastic terrorism — that is, to implant violent ideas into the minds of as many people as possible in the hopes that one or more of them will act out on malignant conspiracy theories.

By now, we all know people who are casualties of psyops.
For example, Jim Caviezel is a victim of Mike Flynn’s QAnon psyop as he freely admits here.

Mike Flynn tweeted this because he is proud of his work.

The chart on the left was posted in January 2018 by an unknown source and spread around in QAnon circles. The chart on the right is in Mike Flynn’s how-to psyops manual.

Both describe the exact same psyop — how to turn our citizens into killing machines.

“Russian psyop” is an intentional oversimplification.

QAnon and related psyops are a hybrid of Mike Flynn’s expertise in @USArmy PSYOP, including his extensive published research on them, AND the Kremlin/GRU’s well-understood capabilities in “active measures” aka psyops.

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