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As the Heat of Fire Reduces Wood to Ashes, the Fire of Knowledge Burns to Ashes All Karma - Bhagavad Gita

May 29, 2023, 10 tweets

A 🧵on TGA FOI 4313 and FOI 4240.

TGA has finally published (8 May 2023), almost after an year, documentations on death of a 5 year old (M), 7 year old (M) and a 9 year old (F) following #Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.


.@SenatorRennick brought this to light earlier this year that TGA #Australia refused to publish this data on their FOI disclosure log.


1) TGA FOI 4313 | TGA Ref:- 734187

This assessment is for a fatal (cardiac arrest) AEFI report of 5 yr old Male following Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

Why the causality assessment outcome is Unclassifiable (U) when the TGA was waiting on coroner report?

@Jikkyleaks @SenatorRennick

2) TGA FOI 4240 | TGA Ref: - 719838

TGA #Australia requested additional information
on the circumstances of the death of a 7 yr old Male reported on 11 March 2022 following administration of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.

Coroner was still awaiting further info.


This may not come as a surprise to anyone, details about the meeting and related meeting minutes regarding this case (TGA Ref: - 719838) are heavily redacted.

@Jikkyleaks @SenatorRennick



3) TGA FOI 4240 | TGA Ref: - 724023

On 25 March 2022, the TGA was notified of a fatal case of 9 yr old female who was administered Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine and died from cardiac arrest.

@Jikkyleaks @SenatorRennick


In this email TGA is reaching out the individual who has submitted the adverse event report the the TGA on 25 March 2022.



Again, details about the meeting and related meeting minutes regarding this case (TGA Ref: - 724023) are heavily redacted.



The sad thing is that these deaths were never mentioned in the COVID-19 vaccine weekly safety report. The Australian people were kept in the dark.

Do we really believe TGA #Australia is adhering to its mission?

@Jikkyleaks @razorback11111 @SenatorAntic @SenatorRennick

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