Sviatoslav Hnizdovskyi Profile picture
Founder & CEO @openmindsglobal. On a mission to outpace authoritarian regimes in the arms race of informational warfare.

May 29, 2023, 6 tweets

“Every day, 82 million Russians tune into a vast web of state-controlled channels that feeds them a uniform vision of the world: a hostile, scary place, in which Russia wages a righteous battle against the forces of evil.” @AEdelWriter spent a day watching 🇷🇺 TV & described the……

The Kremlin has mastered the USSR's power of propaganda, using it to co-opt the 🇷🇺 into supporting the war. TV remains the primary news source, broadcasting the Kremlin's narrative 24/7. Channel One dominates where the news of battles with "🇺🇦 Nazis" takes precedence,……

News program Vremya (Time), once a symbol of Soviet solemnity, now presents biased views with a smirk. Hosts mock foreign leaders & portray 🇺🇦 as "tamed murderers." Talk shows dehumanize Ukrainians and glorify the war as a "blessed deed." 🇷🇺 soldiers are "heroes," 🇺🇦 are……

🇷🇺 propaganda thrives on fear and chaos, highlighting foreign "turmoil": Romanian farmers protest against Ukrainian grain imports, Parisians burning their president’s favorite restaurant and etc. But amidst the chaos, China, led by the "wise" Xi Jinping, is praised for aiding……

Evening With Vladimir Solovyov on Russia-1 takes propaganda to new heights. Solovyov calls for destruction of Kyiv & Ukrainian officials. Guests like Margarita Simonyan spread theories of the "start of biblical plagues" kind: “Thunder and hail,” muses she about the destruction in……

Everyone around the world should stay alert. Russia's propaganda machine not only targets its own citizens but extends worldwide to undermine Western unity and support for Ukraine.

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