1) GME Entertainment LLC will become a global brand with a three pronged Strategy under the name “GME Entities”
Amazon like consumer product distribution, Apple like dominance on Web 3.0 asset delivery, In person entertainment hub becoming the Top Golf of Gaming in big cities
Source: nft.gamestop.com/Terms_of_Servi…
GME Entities divided into GME Entertainment LLC, GMERICA, BAXY, (unnamed entity)
2) BAXY Design Based Flagship stores in largest cities in globe. Flagship store
3) BAXY Copyright to GME Entertainment.
4) In-Person Strategy
6) #PLAYR assets transferable, potentially *rentable*, fundraising efforts currently allowed (think NFT go fund me) for charities and non profits only.
7) https://t.co/HqSjEkEqgq
11) Updated Privacy Policy nft.gamestop.com/Privacy_Policy…
Request for creators to comply with anti-money-laundering training and obligations . If they are instituting compliance of AML it’s usually associated with government regulation of checking or brokerage services in the US
12) 2 year golden cross with Earnings June 7th
Halt, Halt, Halt………Hike!
14) Legal Justification from #GME for fractionalized NFT based stock conversion with blockchain based compliance and registration.
15) #GameStop the market to Protect Investors.
#GME Endgame telos.net/roadmap#catego…
@threadreaderapp unroll
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