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Jun 2, 2023, 7 tweets

📕AI image Guide: Advanced Effects #1

→Double Exposure
→HDR (amazing results!)
→Long Exposure

🧵all prompts below ..Let's go!

#AIart #AIphoto #midjourney #AIArtworks #aiphotography #aiartcommunity #AiArtSociety #AIArtGallery #midjourney5


Create a Bokeh image of [insert subject] with shallow depth of field with blurred, out-of-focus areas in the background or foreground.

When to use:
Portraits with dreamy backgrounds, nature photography with soft bokeh orbs, or creating a romantic atmosphere

Double Exposure:

Double Exposure with [insert] overlayed with [insert], blended elements

When to use:
Combining portraits with natural elements, merging cityscapes with starry skies, or blending textures and patterns for artistic expression

Tip: add 3 or more overlays


High Dynamic Range Photo [insert] Merge exposures, wider range of tones, detail both the shadows & highlights

When to use:
Landscape pics with vibrant colors, architectural shots with well-exposed interiors, or capturing intricate details in high-contrast scenes

Long Exposure

❤️Gorgeous effect!!

[insert] Capturing motion blur, longer shutter speed, smooth, flowing effects.

When to use:
mesmerizing light trails, seascapes with ethereal water movement, fast motion, or creating a sense of calm & tranquil flowing streams.


Tilt shift Diorama miniature model of [insert], selectively blurring parts of the image, creating a shallow depth of field

When to use:
Turn real-life into miniature diorama, show single subjects in a crowd, or add whimsical touch to everyday objects

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