Christopher Tackett (cjtackett on 🦋 &🧵) Profile picture
Dad, husband, former school board trustee. If you aren’t following @mentack, you are only getting half the story.

Jun 2, 2023, 26 tweets

Batch six of Texas House scorecards. This release covers L to M, from Suleman Lalani to Andrew Murr
Full details on how each Rep voted on all 50 items will be available on in the near future.
#SeeItNameItFightIt #txlege

Suleman Lanani (HD76) earned an "A" rating
With 47 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 44 times
That's 94%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Stan Lambert (HD71) earned an "F" rating
With 47 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 11 times
That's 23%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Brooks Landgraf (HD81) earned an "F" rating
With 50 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 11 times
That's 22%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Jeff Leach (HD67) earned an "F" rating
With 50 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 12 times
That's 24%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Terri Leo-Wilson (HD23) earned an "F" rating
With 45 tracked votes taken, she voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 4 times
That's 9%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Oscar Longoria (HD35) earned a "C" rating
With 45 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 33 times
That's 73%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Janie Lopez (HD37) earned an "F" rating
With 49 tracked votes taken, she voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 12 times
That's 24%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Ray López (HD125) earned a "B" rating
With 50 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 44 times
That's 88%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

J.M. Lozano (HD43) earned an "F" rating
With 49 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 16 times
That's 33%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

John Lujan (HD118) earned an "F" rating
With 48 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 14 times
That's 29%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Christian Manuel (HD22) earned an "A" rating
With 49 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 45 times
That's 92%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Armando Martinez (HD39) earned a "B" rating
With 50 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 42 times
That's 84%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Trey Martinez Fischer (HD116) earned an "A" rating
With 49 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 45 times
That's 92%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Will Metcalf (HD16) earned an "A" rating
With 50 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 8 times
That's 16%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Morgan Meyer (HD108) earned an "F" rating
With 50 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 14 times
That's 28%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Terry Meza (HD105) earned an "A" rating
With 50 tracked votes taken, she voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 47 times
That's 94%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Joe Moody (HD78) earned a "B" rating
With 46 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 39 times
That's 85%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

⭐️Gold Star⭐️
Christina Morales (HD145) earned an "A" rating
With 49 tracked votes taken, she voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 49 times
That's 100%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Eddie Morales (HD74) earned a "C" rating
With 50 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 36 times
That's 72%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Penny Morales Shaw (HD148) earned an "A" rating
With 49 tracked votes taken, she voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 46 times
That's 94%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Geanie Morrison (HD30) earned an "F" rating
With 48 tracked votes taken, she voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 12 times
That's 25%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Sergio Muñoz Jr (HD36) earned a "C" rating
With 50 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 39 times
That's 78%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Andrew Murr (HD53) earned an "F" rating
With 47 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 10 times
That's 21%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

WHOOPS. I had Lozano's picture on Lujan's scorecard. Here is the updated version.
John Lujan (HD118) earned an "F" rating
With 48 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 14 times
That's 29%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

Correction: Scorecard was right, text was wrong. He got an "F"
Will Metcalf (HD16) earned an "F" rating
With 50 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 8 times
That's 16%
#SeeItNameItFightIt @SeeNameFightIt

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