Batch six of Texas House scorecards. This release covers L to M, from Suleman Lalani to Andrew Murr
Full details on how each Rep voted on all 50 items will be available on in the near future. #SeeItNameItFightIt#txlege
Suleman Lanani (HD76) earned an "A" rating
With 47 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 44 times
That's 94% #SeeItNameItFightIt@SeeNameFightIt
Stan Lambert (HD71) earned an "F" rating
With 47 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 11 times
That's 23% #SeeItNameItFightIt@SeeNameFightIt
Brooks Landgraf (HD81) earned an "F" rating
With 50 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 11 times
That's 22% #SeeItNameItFightIt@SeeNameFightIt
Jeff Leach (HD67) earned an "F" rating
With 50 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 12 times
That's 24% #SeeItNameItFightIt@SeeNameFightIt
Terri Leo-Wilson (HD23) earned an "F" rating
With 45 tracked votes taken, she voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 4 times
That's 9% #SeeItNameItFightIt@SeeNameFightIt
Oscar Longoria (HD35) earned a "C" rating
With 45 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 33 times
That's 73% #SeeItNameItFightIt@SeeNameFightIt
Janie Lopez (HD37) earned an "F" rating
With 49 tracked votes taken, she voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 12 times
That's 24% #SeeItNameItFightIt@SeeNameFightIt
Ray López (HD125) earned a "B" rating
With 50 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 44 times
That's 88% #SeeItNameItFightIt@SeeNameFightIt
J.M. Lozano (HD43) earned an "F" rating
With 49 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 16 times
That's 33% #SeeItNameItFightIt@SeeNameFightIt
John Lujan (HD118) earned an "F" rating
With 48 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 14 times
That's 29% #SeeItNameItFightIt@SeeNameFightIt
Christian Manuel (HD22) earned an "A" rating
With 49 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 45 times
That's 92% #SeeItNameItFightIt@SeeNameFightIt
Armando Martinez (HD39) earned a "B" rating
With 50 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 42 times
That's 84% #SeeItNameItFightIt@SeeNameFightIt
Trey Martinez Fischer (HD116) earned an "A" rating
With 49 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 45 times
That's 92% #SeeItNameItFightIt@SeeNameFightIt
Will Metcalf (HD16) earned an "A" rating
With 50 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 8 times
That's 16% #SeeItNameItFightIt@SeeNameFightIt
Morgan Meyer (HD108) earned an "F" rating
With 50 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 14 times
That's 28% #SeeItNameItFightIt@SeeNameFightIt
Terry Meza (HD105) earned an "A" rating
With 50 tracked votes taken, she voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 47 times
That's 94% #SeeItNameItFightIt@SeeNameFightIt
Joe Moody (HD78) earned a "B" rating
With 46 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 39 times
That's 85% #SeeItNameItFightIt@SeeNameFightIt
⭐️Gold Star⭐️
Christina Morales (HD145) earned an "A" rating
With 49 tracked votes taken, she voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 49 times
That's 100% #SeeItNameItFightIt@SeeNameFightIt
Eddie Morales (HD74) earned a "C" rating
With 50 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 36 times
That's 72% #SeeItNameItFightIt@SeeNameFightIt
Penny Morales Shaw (HD148) earned an "A" rating
With 49 tracked votes taken, she voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 46 times
That's 94% #SeeItNameItFightIt@SeeNameFightIt
Geanie Morrison (HD30) earned an "F" rating
With 48 tracked votes taken, she voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 12 times
That's 25% #SeeItNameItFightIt@SeeNameFightIt
Sergio Muñoz Jr (HD36) earned a "C" rating
With 50 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 39 times
That's 78% #SeeItNameItFightIt@SeeNameFightIt
Andrew Murr (HD53) earned an "F" rating
With 47 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 10 times
That's 21% #SeeItNameItFightIt@SeeNameFightIt
WHOOPS. I had Lozano's picture on Lujan's scorecard. Here is the updated version.
John Lujan (HD118) earned an "F" rating
With 48 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 14 times
That's 29% #SeeItNameItFightIt@SeeNameFightIt
Correction: Scorecard was right, text was wrong. He got an "F"
Will Metcalf (HD16) earned an "F" rating
With 50 tracked votes taken, he voted against Christian nationalism and for a more inclusive Texas 8 times
That's 16% #SeeItNameItFightIt@SeeNameFightIt
• • •
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Mapping the 💰 flowing from billionaires & millionaires into PAC and to candidates, all in the name of kneecapping Texas public education (and getting those public tax dollars, allowing them to segregate, indoctrinate, and line pockets) is illuminating.
#txlege #txed (1/10)
Billionaire Jeff Yass dropped $16,700,000, with $10.25 million going to Gov Greg Abbott, $5.7 mil to AFC Victory Fund, and $750k to Lt Gov Dan Patrick. All to drive vouchers. (2/10)
Gov Greg Abbott took the money from Yass and other "we want vouchers" donor money and dropped a ton of it into a whole series of pro-voucher candidates in the Republican Primaries. (3/10)
TX Pres Election Outcomes
2000 - 38.0% Dem v 59.3% Rep (George Bush)
2004 - 38.2% D v 61.1% R (Bush)
2008 - 43.7% D v 55.5% R (John McCain)
2012 - 41.4% D v 57.2% R (Mitt Romney)
2016 - 43.2% D v 52.2% R (Donald Trump)
2020 - 46.5% D v 52.1% R (Trump)
There is a trend
There is a trend that shows Texas moving closer to blue. But Texas is a big state. It isn’t getting blue everywhere. I’m going to show you some trends on votes for Republicans and the diversity of the population.
I think you will see the same thing I do.
We will start with 2000 and plot all 254 counties, their voting outcomes and their % of population identifying as White Alone, Not Hispanic or Latino (as collected by the US Census Bureau). By and large, as a county has a population that is more “white”, they vote more Republican
Texas Federation for Children
AFC Victory Fund
Family Empowerment Coalition
Texans for Educational Freedom
Texas Public Policy Foundation
School Freedom Fund
Club for Growth Action
If you want to understand the push for vouchers in Texas, where it has been tried over and over but has never gotten across a finish line, you need only follow the money to figure out this has been a multi-year (heck, multi-decade) push to erode trust in public education.
They have purposely seeded propaganda in certain faith communities, and waited for a party to be fully overtaken and run by a version of faith that intertwines politics, racism, patriarchy, and a disdain for critical thinking.
Yes, the Trump hawked “God Bless The USA” bible is a new thing, but blatantly #ChristianNationalism bibles have been out there for 15+ years.
Two examples:
American Patriot’s Bible
The Founder’s Bible (yes, David Barton)
These intermingle “history” next to verses.
Here are sample pages from “American Patriot’s Bible”, published in 2009.
Interspersed throughout are elements to connect America and Christianity
“a cultural framework that blurs distinctions between Christian and American identity, seeking to enhance and preserve their union”
The Founder’s Bible is loaded with Christian nationalism. Tucked into the text you’ll have full essays on creationism and yes, “What is the separation of church and state”.
Pure David Barton / WallBuilders / Christian nationalism
Christian nationalism has been building for decades. @mentack and I became aware of it living in Granbury, as it took over our hometown. This 🧵 is my attempt to tie together where we've been, what's happening, and what's next.
1st video is Lance Wallnau in 2009. 7 Mountains.
David Barton (and his WallBuilders org) is a false, debunked historian, but he has the ear of many leaders in the Republican Party, including Speaker of the House Mike Johnson. Here is Barton in 2011 discussing 7 Mountains dominionism on his WallBuilders Live broadcast. #SINIFI
The push to take over levers of power, to impose religion on all, isn't just a Texas thing (although many of the CN drivers and oligarchs are based in Texas). In 2013, CBN did a story on Pastors & Pews in Iowa. You will see Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Farris & Dan Wilks. #txlege #SINIFI
The fight over vouchers in Texas is coming to a head. @RANewsTX and @HoustonChron collaborated to illustrate the narrative.
It is more than just Wilks and Dunn. Other billionaires are playing too.
Vouchers aren't about kids. It's about money, religion, & race.
#txed #txlege
Vouchers aren't about kids. They are about money, religion, & race. Have been since 1954.
Here are the individual panels from the @RANewsTX and @HoustonChron collaboration to call out what is happening in Texas. (1/4) #txed #txlege #NoVouchers
Vouchers aren't about kids. They are about money, religion, & race. Have been since 1954.
Here are the individual panels from the @RANewsTX and @HoustonChron collaboration to call out what is happening in Texas. (2/4) #txed #txlege #NoVouchers