Tymofiy Mylovanov Profile picture
President, Kyiv School of Economics; Minister of economy, Ukraine, 2019-2020; Associate professor, University of Pittsburgh

Jun 4, 2023, 12 tweets

I was in Dnipro today. A missile hit this building earlier this year. 46 people burned and evaporated.

Dnipro is close to the border and missiles can come any time without warning.

Yesterday, there was an attack and more people died.

But the city lives. 1/

Just next to the destroyed building there is a new development full of live. 2/

There is beautiful architecture and art 3/

People open and operate upscale stores, designed by Ukrainians, and giving a shockingly different vibe. 4/

The authorities put up shelters around the city so that people can get to some kind of safer if there is no warning attack. 5/

The city is clean, garbage collection is working. 6/

They appear to be playful and in good mood. But the moment you talk to them you see trauma, fear, exhausting, commitment, resilience and anger. All at once. 7/

The drinks are innovative. This is a lemonade with raspberries. 8/

Our waiter was giving attitude :))9/

I have not slept well for weeks now, but even my mood got lighten up. 10/

And the colors of the city are beautiful. 11/

Dnipro city is wonderful, and it is horrible crime what Russians are doing to it. There are good people in Dnipro, goof humans, who want to live free. Without Russia. And it will happen. 12X

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