Ashley Love Sumrall, MD, FACP, FASCO Profile picture
Neuro-onc & med onc in Charlotte, NC. Wife, Mom of 4 🧠 Chief N-O @levinecancer @atriumhealth #btsm #advocacy Tweets = my opinions. ✝️ COI:

Jun 5, 2023, 5 tweets

Quick recap of outstanding talk by @adrienne_boire 👉🏻 we MUST open our minds to seek out LMD. Do the LPs, send the csf (esp CTCs), look for tx options/ trials. #btsm #asco23 1/

Imaging is 1st step. But "all that glitters isn"t gold." Esp consider this for pts on immunotx. Sens of MRI 71-100%. Slide 3 w broad ddx #asco23 2/

What csf studies? 3/

This will only become more of an issue as more pts develop #brainmets 4/

Lastly, adopt the "Vegas" approach like a slot machine when considering tx options. Brilliant! @adrienne_boire 5/

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