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Jun 5, 2023, 14 tweets

🚨 BREAKING: Apple released its new headset, Vision Pro.

The 12 things you need to know 👇


1. It's the first Apple product you look through and not at.

It's Augmented Reality (AR) + Virtual Reality (VR).

2. It's the beginning of spatial computing.

The interface looks and feels truly present in your room. They respond dynamically to light and cast shadows.

3. It relies solely on your eyes, hands and voice.

There's no controller. You browse the system simply by looking.

4. You can get fully immersed.

If you want, you can go to full virtual reality (VR).

5. It's supported by major apps at work.

Notes, Keynote, Safari, and Messages are all customized for Vision Pro. Imagine replacing all your monitors with this.

6. It's built for multi-tasking.

People can continue working with you while you're on Vision Pro.

7. It integrates with keyboard and mouse.

So you can keep writing and doing other work tasks.

8. It's great for working remote and traveling.

Who minds if you have a headset on at home?

9. You can create a cinema environment.

You can turn any room into your own personal movie theater. Even on an airplane.

10. You can watch 3D movies.

It feels like you're looking right into the movie itself.

11. It does have game controller support.

You can use your PS5 controller if that's to play AAA games like NBA 2K.

12. It authenticates you with Optic ID

It uses the image on your Iris to make sure it's you.

I'll let Tim sign us off:

This is just the beginning.

(But it will cost you $3499.)

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