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Jun 6, 2023, 11 tweets

Researchers have analyzed nonhuman #PrimateGenomes from more than 230 species. The results show how these data can help us learn about both nonhuman primate biology and our own health.

Learn more in a new special issue of Science: (THREAD 🧵)

A new study in Science presents whole-genome data from 233 primate species representing 86% of the primate genera and all 16 families. #PrimateGenomes

Despite the importance of nonhuman primates, reference genomes have been sequenced in <10% of species.

A new Science study presents high-quality reference genomes for 27 primate species, adding to available resources. #PrimateGenomes

By accounting for incomplete lineage sorting across primates, researchers in a new Science study were able to produce a primate phylogeny that agrees with fossil estimates, unlike past attempts. #PrimateGenomes

The gray snub-nosed monkey is derived from hybridization between the golden snub-nosed monkey and the ancestor of two extant Rhinopithecus species—a notable example of hybrid speciation in primates, a new Science study finds. #PrimateGenomes

Cold environments promoted the social evolution of Asian colobine primates in a stepwise manner, according to a new Science study. #PrimateGenomes

Using whole-genome sequencing, researchers in a new Science study reveal the evolutionary history of overlapping baboon species, finding evidence of repeated admixture. #PrimateGenomes

In a new Science study, researchers present PrimateAI-3D, a deep-learning model trained on millions of benign primate variants. #PrimateGenomes

Using the deep-learning model PrimateAI-3D, researchers in a new Science study help uncover the role played by rare penetrant variants in common human diseases and complex traits. #PrimateGenomes

In @ScienceAdvances, researchers investigate the evolutionary landscape of lineage-specific accelerated regions (LinARs) across 49 primate species.

The results broaden knowledge of the functional roles of LinARs in primate evolution. #PrimateGenomes

@ScienceAdvances By comparing reference genomes of 12 macaque species that together cover all the known macaque groups, researchers in @ScienceAdvances have uncovered an ancient hybrid origin of a macaque lineage. #PrimateGenomes

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