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May 17 6 tweets 4 min read
Scientists have made several advances in the design of a class of #HIV vaccines that could offer broad protection against the virus, according to four new research papers published in Science, @ScienceTM, and @SciImmunology. (THREAD 🧵)
Image Leveraging cryo-electron microscopy, researchers in Science show a new approach that successfully primed and boosted quantities of B cells that secrete precursors to BG18—an anti-#HIV broadly neutralizing antibody—in a group of eight rhesus macaques.
Jun 6, 2023 11 tweets 9 min read
Researchers have analyzed nonhuman #PrimateGenomes from more than 230 species. The results show how these data can help us learn about both nonhuman primate biology and our own health.

Learn more in a new special issue of Science: (THREAD 🧵) Image A new study in Science presents whole-genome data from 233 primate species representing 86% of the primate genera and all 16 families. #PrimateGenomes Image
Jun 14, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
In 2016, Science published the structure of the #NuclearPoreComplex—the sole gateway for macromolecules to enter or exit the nucleus.

A new special issue builds on that work, presenting the structure in unprecedented detail. (THREAD) 🧵 ImageImage A composite structure of the cytoplasmic face of the human #NuclearPoreComplex provides a rich foundation for elucidating the molecular basis of #mRNA export and nucleoporin diseases, according to a new Science study. Image
Jun 1, 2022 7 tweets 6 min read
The human body is home to a variety of microbiomes.

A new special issue of Science looks at our current understanding of these microbial communities, their effects on human health, and what remains to be discovered. (THREAD) 🧵 #TheSystemicMicrobiome Oral microbiota form distinct biofilms in different regions of the mouth that protect host tissues. When these biofilms become unbalanced, they may contribute to various diseases, including cancer and #Alzheimers.

Learn more in a new #SciencePerspective:
Nov 29, 2021 18 tweets 6 min read
2021 has been a rich year in science, with a bounty of discoveries about biology and medicine, human prehistory, and the physical world.

Now, we want to know which one you consider this year’s top breakthrough. (THREAD) 🧵 Starting today, you can cast your vote in this thread for your favorite #BOTY in the three categories below. The winners will enter a final contest that runs 6–13 December. On 17 December, the People's Choice winner will be revealed. 🏆
Jun 9, 2020 16 tweets 10 min read
In preparation for #ShutDownSTEM tomorrow, 10 June, Science has made the following articles available without subscription or registration to help facilitate discussion. "As more organizations and industries adopt digital tools to identify risk and allocate resources, the automation of racial discrimination is a growing concern."

How a health care algorithm reflects underlying bias in society in this #SciMagPerspective: