Arjun Khadilkar, MD Profile picture
Cardiology fellow @IUcardsfellows 🫀| Interested in Prevention and Medical Education | Via @USFIMres @UToledoMed @cwru | Husband to @salonijairdn|

Jun 6, 2023, 10 tweets

As an intern, chart checking new patients was intimidating and time-consuming.

Even as a cardiology fellow, I continue to refine my system.

Here are 7 tips and tricks to help you out!

#arjuncardiology #MedTwitter #MedEd #Cardiotwitter #IMG

This is a picture of the notecard system I use for every new patient!

1. Use both sides of notecard
2. Good reference for the patient's hospitalization
3. Update the current medication list on the back of the card

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