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Jun 9, 2023, 9 tweets


Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s thoughts on the Apple Vision Pro.

He e-mailed this to the company.

1. The reveal was news to him as much as anybody:

2. He called out how expensive it is:

At $3499 for the Vision Pro
vs $299 for the cheapest Quest

It makes sense.

He said Apple has different “values and… vision.”

Meta’s is to be as accessible to everyone as possible.

Zuck’s vision is more around “transporting around” the metaverse.

3. Zuck made a dig on the solo use cases:

He called out that demos were people “sitting on a couch by themself.”

If that’s the future of computing, “it’s not the one” he wants.

He apparently forgot this part.

There’s an entire standing work use case for Apple he ignored.

In this demo, the wearer clearly interacts with a colleague, too (0:30).

4. Zuck called out the wire:

He said, “you need a battery and a wire.”

The Meta Quest Pro is truly wire free for 2 hours.

So it makes sense to highlight.

Here’s what he’s talking about.

It’s a great point.

This device is wired to a battery pack.

5. Zuck doesn’t think Apple unveiled any new tech:

He boiled down the differences to design choices.

He doesn’t think Apple invented any new tech Meta hadn’t considered.

Meta is the current leader in the market by a mile, with 80%+ market share.

It will be interesting to see if Apple can catch up and overtake them.

You can bet Zuck will be spending a lot of time here.

Just when we thought the metaverse was dead and AI is the new thing.

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