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#ThirstForDemocracy putting the racy in democracy | #BaeBucks for #KamalaHarris2024 putting the fun in fundraising | ❤️ @VP #KamalaHarris

Jun 9, 2023, 8 tweets

How many #InnoCents can we raise for #BidenHarris2024 tonight?


Chip in 💵 ➡️ secure.actblue.com/donate/thirstf…

“Hey Joe”

“What’s good Kamala?”

“You already know!”

#TrumpIndicted lmao”

Let’s go with those #InnoCents 💵


“You know who isn’t indicted?”

“Who Joe?”

“Me. Let’s go get some ice cream.”


We have only $433 to get to our goal of $12 000 for #BidenHarris2024

Put your #InnoCents here ➡️💵 secure.actblue.com/donate/thirstf…

“Where were you when you found out?”

“In my motorcade leaving the Bahamas. I laughed and laughed.”

“I was with the British Prime Minister. He was telling Trump/ Boris jokes. Hilarious.”

“Let’s win this, Joe.”

“Yes, ma’am!”

Only $273 #InnoCents to go!



“Hey Kamala. Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”

“Yes. Joe. Tacos.”

“You get me.”

#BidenHarris2024 is a winning team!

Your #InnoCents exceeded the goal and we are at $12 100 🔥

Keep going secure.actblue.com/donate/thirstf…

Looks like we have to change our goal from $12 000 to $13 000!

Let’s go!!

Just $800 #InnoCents to get to the goal 🥅 secure.actblue.com/donate/thirstf…

“Okay we can’t speak publicly about it.”

“Got it, Kamala. I’ll make jokes about it in the group text with Hillary, Michelle and Barack”

“You didn’t hear it from me but there’s ketchup all over Mar A Lago.”

“Wall to wall Heinz.”

Only $765 more #InnoCents for #BidenHarris2024 to go!

#TrumpIndicted 🙌🏿


The #TrumpIndictment is wild!!

Nuclear and military secrets in bathrooms and ballrooms!

Playing musical boxes filled with classified docs to hide them from the feds and his LAWYER!

We are only $660 #InnoCents away from our $13000 goal for #BidenHarris


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