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Jun 9, 2023, 7 tweets

Whale"0x31f5" spend 250K $USDC to buy 227B $PEPE at $0.0000011 again 2 hrs ago.

The whale spent a total of 3.25M $USDC to buy 2.81T $PEPE.

The on-chain data shows that this whale is the SmartMoney who made ~$11.47M on $PEPE before!


A thread


Do you remember this SmartMoney"0x9e03"?

He spent 422 $ETH ($871K) and 200K $USDC to buy 4.23T $PEPE from Apr 19 to Apr 27.

And deposit $PEPE into #Binance after the listing on #Binance.

Then his other address"0x24b0" withdrew 12.54M $USDT from #Binance.


So the SmartMoney selling all $PEPE probably get 12.54M $USDT in the end, and the profit is $11.47M!


Funds for the whale"0x31f5" to buy $PEPE were received from address "0x24b0".

Whale"0x31f5" received a total of 5M $USDC from address "0x24b0".


This whale was not an early buyer of $PEPE, but he kept buying $PEPE from Apr 19 to Apr 27 when the price of $PEPE was depressed.

So is he buying $PEPE again with so much money because he knows something we don't?


And please note that he has spent ~$1.81M to buy 3B $TURBO so far, but it is only worth $376K now.

Not sure whether the price of $TURBO will rise in the future, and whether his investment in $TURBO will be successful.


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