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நம்புவதை பகிர்ந்து நன்மை செய்வோம்.

Jun 10, 2023, 7 tweets

In order to solve the childlessness of the pious Pandala Maharaja, Parantama and Lord Ishvara left a baby near a tree. Pandala Maharaja who came hunting heard the cry of a baby. He frantically searched to find the child that was crying and found the baby Ayyappan

with the shining Tejas under the tree. He was happy that this child solved his problem of being childless and took the baby to the palace. The queen was also very happy. Both thanked God. Whoever saw the baby was very stunned by the beauty. The astrologers said that the child

was a divine child. Since he was born with a bell around his neck, they decided to name the Him Manikandan and brought him up with love and praise. After Manikandan came to the palace the queen bore a male child. The joy of the king and queen could not be measured. They felt that

they were blessed with a child only because of Manikandan’s arrival. But aren't there bad elements everywhere that spoils the good heart? The queen’s mind was spoilt by saying “Ayyappan is not your born son. But you are raising him like yours. So there is a possibility that he

will come as the next king. How can someone else become the king if you have a child of your own?”
The queen also changed her mind due to these vile messages. She lied that she was suffering from stomach ache. She made the royal physician tell the king that her stomach ache would

be cured only by drinking tiger’s milk. Won’t the all knowing Ayyappan not know the truth? Yet He left for the forest to bring tiger’s milk to his mother. In the forest a demoness Mahishi stopped Ayyappan and prevented him from going on in his mission. With one arrow He killed

Mahishi. His incarnate glory was fulfilled.The gods showered from above. He returned victorious not just with the milk but riding a tiger so that the physician can milk the tiger and get fresh milk for the queen.
Swami sharanam Ayyappa Sharanam
Sarvam Shri Krishnarpanam🙏🏻

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