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Military Drones/ Robots| Conflict, Climate & Environment| UN Green Star Award | Contributor @bellingcat | views are my own. @wammezz@mastodon.green

Jun 11, 2023, 6 tweets

Open question with regard to the #Kakhovka flood impacts is to what kinds of pollutants were present on industrial locations that were swept away and create additional pollution risks. One example is the Kherson Oil Depot, southwest of the city 1/x

Another area of concerns is the industrial area south, hosting various construction facilities that are storing different types of hazardous substances. Satellite imagery by @planet indicates there are pollutants in the water 2/x

South of the city is the shipyard, which usually stores a range of hazardous substances including different types of oil, LPG, solvents and and cleaning agents. Some ships also were swept away or capsized by the flooding 3/x

Important to understand that there are major ecological change north of the blown-up Kakhovka dam where the emptying reservoir is drastically changing the landscape and impacting ecosystems in #Kherson 4/x

This photo taken by Inna Varenytsia for @Reuters clearly shows a widespread layer of oil on the water around the flooded houses, adding another level of complexity of dealing with the humanitarian impacts of the #Kakhovka dam destruction 5/x reuters.com/world/europe/k…

Satellite imagery from @planet clearly shows the draining of the Kakhovka Reservoir upstream near Zaporizhzhia with the riverbed falling dry. Experts fear legacy pollution to be stirred up by the wind, while agriculture depending on water canals will collapse. 6/x

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