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Jun 11, 2023, 9 tweets

19 year olds are making $1,500+ per month from #Airdrops

I’ve done the work for you and found 2 unbelievable tools you can use to find the newest airdrops before others.

Here’s a step-by-step guide: 🧵

In this thread, I’m going to show you 2 things.

1️⃣ How to quickly find projects that have airdrop potential

2️⃣ How to find guides to those airdrops with ease (3).

1️⃣ How to quickly find projects that have airdrop potential

1. I’m going to show you how to use @DefiLlama to find projects with #Airdrop potential.

- First go to their homepage

- Click the DeFi tab

- Click the airdrop tab


2. Scroll through new projects

- Click TVL to sort.

- Click Total Money Raised to sort

Projects with higher TVL & Funding have a higher chance or dropping an airdrop.

But you still need to find guides on how to qualify for these projects airdrops.

View next steps 👇🏽

2️⃣ How to find guides to those airdrops with ease (3).

I’m going to show you guys 3 places to search for guides to #Airdrops.

1. airdrops.io

This is a great website to find the latest airdrops & guides.

- Search project name in the search bar and follow the guide
- You can also click on “latest airdrops"
- Click on hot airdrops to explore more
- Click on potential airdrops t explore more

2. Twitter

Sounds obvious but twitter is also a great place to find #airdrops.

- Search “protocol name” and “airdrop”

- Or “token ticker” and “airdrop”

- Bookmark threads of interest

3. Google

Sometimes casting a broad net also helps.

- Go to google

- Search “protocol name” and “airdrop”

- Or “token ticker” and “airdrop”

- Find a link and follow the instructions

I hope this brought value to you. If you gained from it please :

Like, RT & follow for more 🙏🏽 #Airdrop

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