Alastair Thompson Profile picture
Climate, Conflict, Politics, Africa. Editor (NZ) Reporting from France. #nzpol #DesertRain

Jun 12, 2023, 13 tweets

The « Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty » - launched in Sweden at a « Stockholm+50 » @UNEP 50th Anniversary event last June is having a side event today at #BonnClimateConference

Audience interaction starts the session

2 questions:

1/ Stand up if you see enough progress in fossil fuel phaseout in your country (1 person)

2/ Stand up if you think there is insufficient action in your country. (Most of the Room)

Alex Rafalowicz is a spokesperson for the Fossil Fuel Treaty effort and provided a brief introduction to the treaty which you see below in three parts. 1/3



Next speaker is from WWF. is the home page for the initiative.

By virtue of the fact that it is outside the #UNFCCC Treaty this effort is a reflection on the failure of efforts so far to address increasing temperatures, or the consequences of increasing storms, rising sea levels……

This video shown in the room and on the Treaty Group’s @YouTube page addresses strong support for the initiative in the Pacific.

Here’s a clip from the presentation of a representative of the office of the PM of Fiji Genevieve Viva. The event above led to to the « Port Villa Declaration »

In this intervention Lidy Nacdil begins discussion of one of the core motivations for this effort, namely that the causes of the failure to address the power of the fossil fuel industries are deeply embedded, locked in to the global system.

Part 2.

Alex Rafalowicz also addresses these aspects of the problem focussed on the « locked in » govt-fossil fuel relationships.


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