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Jun 12, 2023, 10 tweets

📕Ultimate AI Image Guide: Make Light-Painting (Long Exposure Effects)

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Light Painting: Create unique and stunning art from light

Prompt Formula:

brilliant light painting style photo, long exposure, vibrant, streaks of light [Shot Types] [Shape options] [Light Source]

See full examples below to get started👇

When to use: Perfect for nighttime photography, urban settings, or to make a creative statement in portrait shots.

When to avoid: Avoid in brightly lit areas or where the light will distract from another focal subject.

Shot Types to get started:
1. Star Trails
2. Urban Nightscapes
3. Light Orbs
4. Spirographs
5. Portrait Enhancement

Shape options:

-Angel Wings
-Letters (alphabet)
-Abstract forms
-Geometric shapes like circles, squares, triangles
-Light trails (from moving objects)
-Infinity Symbols
-Smiley faces

And don't forget to experiment with: Light Sources

-Fire (Torch, lighter)
-Glow Sticks
-LEDs (Single or multicolored)
-Fairy Lights
-Neon Tubes
-Laser Lights
-Light Pens
-Screen Light (Phones, Tablets)

-Fluorescent Tubes
-Light Painting Brushes
-Light Sabers
-Bike Lights
-Drone Lights
-Reflective Materials (to reflect existing light)
-Flash Units with Color Gels
-Fiber Optic Lights

this amazing style it melds the science of photography with the creativity of painting,

That's a wrap!

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