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Jun 21st 2023
More niji experimenting! I wanted to play with Niji's style options. I chose 'glowflow' for this series again because it's one of my best and most versatile phrases.

Here's --style cute!

#aiartprompts #aiart #aiartworks #nijijourney #aiartcommunity ImageImageImageImage
The glow was turned down and there wasn't much 'flow' but it did bring the cute! There's some awesome critters in there and a few really cool iso scenes. It matches with the MJ doc def: "creates charming and adorable characters, props, and settings."

Next up, --style expressive! ImageImageImageImage
I'm not sure what exactly expressive does (the docs say it 'has a more sophisticated illustrated feeling') but it certainly nailed both sides of the phrase!

Next, --style original! ImageImageImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Jun 18th 2023

A very surreal word that emphasizes swirling, volumetric blues and greys with glowing gold or red accents. I prefer subject separate for this one, but look in the 🧵below for ideas on how to modify it!

#aiartprompts #aiart #aiartworks #aiartcommunity #synthography aethermist deer --v 5.1aethermist sky --v 5.1aethermist woman --v 5.1aethermist city --v 5.1
Normally I just add a subject when doing examples, but this turned out to be a base word for further adaptions.

The images below use the same subjects as above (deer, sky, woman, city) but just add another word to the start of 'aethermist.'

Really brings out the reds with a touch of creepiness. ImageImageImageImage
Read 6 tweets
Jun 12th 2023
📕Ultimate AI Image Guide: Make Light-Painting (Long Exposure Effects)

You're going to LOVE this guide!

Please share if you know anyone learning Midjourney

🧵Copy-paste prompts below, let's go...

#AIart #AIartworks Ultimate AI Image Guide to ...
Light Painting: Create unique and stunning art from light brilliant light painting st...long exposure photo of Curv...brilliant light painting st...
Prompt Formula:

brilliant light painting style photo, long exposure, vibrant, streaks of light [Shot Types] [Shape options] [Light Source]

See full examples below to get started👇 photo of two lovers of two lovers holding...brilliant light painting st...brilliant light painting st...
Read 10 tweets
Jun 9th 2023
Cave Houses: Minecraft Style

Collab by @followmarcos and me, inspired by our love for interior design and Minecraft's creative freedom. Our hope is that you all find as much enjoyment in exploring this concept as we did in creating it!


#AIart #AIArtworks #midjourney Image

Here's how I imagined the path to the apartment - monumental, dark and mystical with lots of precious gems. Marcos on the other hand created a candlelit portal in more welcoming vibe.

Left @WorldEverett
Right @followmarcos longue, royalcore, organic,...a minecraft style desert ca...

I went for more cyberpunk look, while Marcos decided to focus on a beautiful view and earthy color palette.

Left @WorldEverett
Right @followmarcos bathroom, royalcore, organi...a minecraft style bathroom ...
Read 6 tweets
Jun 2nd 2023
📕AI image Guide: Advanced Effects #1

→Double Exposure
→HDR (amazing results!)
→Long Exposure

🧵all prompts below ..Let's go!

#AIart #AIphoto #midjourney #AIArtworks #aiphotography #aiartcommunity #AiArtSociety #AIArtGallery #midjourney5 Image

Create a Bokeh image of [insert subject] with shallow depth of field with blurred, out-of-focus areas in the background or foreground.

When to use:
Portraits with dreamy backgrounds, nature photography with soft bokeh orbs, or creating a romantic atmosphere [nature photography] with s...Bokeh photo of [girl] in th...Bokeh photo of [girl] in th...
Double Exposure:

Double Exposure with [insert] overlayed with [insert], blended elements

When to use:
Combining portraits with natural elements, merging cityscapes with starry skies, or blending textures and patterns for artistic expression

Tip: add 3 or more overlays Double Exposure [colorful s...Double Exposure [portrait] ...Double Exposure [portrait] ...Double Exposure with [citys...
Read 7 tweets
May 30th 2023
📕AI image techniques: How to use Perspective

→Perspective gives depth and dimension to images
→It dictates the visual narrative, making your photos stand out

Perspective isn't just a tool; it's an art form

#AIart #AIArtworks #AIArtGallery #AIphoto #aiphotograpy Easy Guide AI - Midjourney ...
1. Bird's Eye View

shooting your subject from directly above.

→When to use: emphasize patterns, symmetry, or reduce background clutter.
→When to avoid: When the subject's details and expressions are vital - they may get lost.

Tip: use this for characters looking up highly detailed nature phot...Imagedetailed nature photography...detailed nature photography...
2. Worm's Eye View

Capture your subject from a low angle, as if a worm were looking up.

→When to use: to make your subject look more imposing or emphasize the sky/background.
→When to avoid: When the underside of your subject doesn't look good

Tip: use to show power & force photo looking from the looking from the looking from the looking from the grou...
Read 5 tweets
May 30th 2023
I used the new @Photoshop beta generative fill and @Blender to blend together multiple @midjourney generated #AIArtworks to create a 2.5D location for a point and click adventure game. 🧵 #buildinpublic #gamedev
Link to the breakdown and devblog:…

First, I generated a couple of dozen images in Midjourney. From those I chose 2 that I would combine to make the apartment.
3/8 ImageImage
Read 8 tweets
May 30th 2023
Interior Styles Guide vol. 2⚡️

Let's dive into gold interiors! I made hundreds of images to showcase various styles inside royalcore theme. As far as I know, it's the most comprehensive exploration of this kind.

Have fun! #Prompts in alt✨

#AIart #AIArtworks #midjourney gold and white living room and white living room and white living room and white living room ...
Royalcore + Tiles 1/8 gold and white living room and white living room and white living room and white living room ...
Royalcore + Flowing Lines 2/8 gold and white living room and white living room and white living room and white living room ...
Read 10 tweets
May 29th 2023
There are some prompts that take you deep (deep) down the rabbit hole...

My weekend obsession was "Non-Euclidean metamorphosis"

A long thread with lot's of examples and prompts exploration

#aiartcommunity #midjourney #AIart #AIArtworks #promptsharing Image
Non-Euclidean metamorphosis refers to the transformation/distortion of traditional Euclidean geometry into unconventional and dynamic shapes which results in visually captivating compositions

I wanted to see what output I'd get if I prompt the words separately Non-Euclidean --ar 3:4Non-Euclidean --ar 3:4metamorphosis --ar 3:4metamorphosis --ar 3:4
Seeing this I wasn't surprised of what came next when I used the words together

And for the sake of the experiment, I've added

--style raw

to get less opinionated results Non-Euclidean metamorphosis...Non-Euclidean metamorphosis...Non-Euclidean metamorphosis...Non-Euclidean metamorphosis...
Read 14 tweets
May 29th 2023
#Promptshare time! ✨

Here's a quick, super useful prompt for your own energy drink!⚡️

Prompt: macro product photography of a energy drink [style]

1. Futuristic
2. Punkcore
3. Cyberpunk
4. Horror

Show me your ideas in the comments 😊!

#AIart #midjourney #AIArtworks ImageImageImageImage
A few more:

1. Whimsical
2. Vampire
3. Lovecraft
4. Light blue and silver ImageImageImageImage
@MonsterEnergy @rockstarenergy if you wanna cool can concepts, my DMs are open 😁 ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
May 18th 2023
⚡️Midjourney: Pro Collab ⚡️

Ecovillage Modernism
@Macbaconai x @WorldEverett

Two creators, two ideas, one space to design.✨

Collaborative thread about designing a house.

#aiart #AIArtworks #midjourney Image
Left - @Macbaconai
Right - @WorldEverett a silver housing sits on to...a silver housing sits on to...
Left - @Macbaconai
Right - @WorldEverett editorial shot of ancient m...a large room with a firepla...
Read 6 tweets
May 15th 2023
Inspired by @maxpowertuc's awesome trick with hexagonal bokeh, I decided to test with more elaborated shots, and found my own happy accidents.
When Hexagonal Bokeh is applied to glass masks + flowing fabrics, hexagons are ofter applied to the objects. #midjourneyv51 #AIArtworks future daily life, woman wi...future daily life, woman wi...
Another awesome result is when #MidjourneyAI applies the hexagons as texture to the mask. This is a result of the combination with --futuristic in the prompt. future daily life, woman wi...future daily life, woman wi...
Read 5 tweets
May 15th 2023
📕Best of AI

Coolest new developments happening now:

- AI Art
- AI Food Menus!
- Robot Dentist
- AI Fashion Commercial

What have you seen in AI that excites you?

#ainews #technology #TechNews #AIArtistCommunity #TECH4ALL… Image
🧵1/5 Best AI Art

(if you love AI art, these are great people to follow)

Pic 1: @RedTailHawk36
Pic 2: @BardsleyGernot [prompt available in Alt]
Pic 3: @Julian_cano_
Pic 4:@emaweirdd [prompt available in Alt]

#AIArtworks #aiartist @RedTailHawk36 @BardsleyGernot Prompt: The...@Julian_cano_@emaweirdd  Prompt: Aerial ...
🧵2/5 AI-generated food menus

('menu-indecisiveness' is finally solved😄)

Read 6 tweets
May 6th 2023
Music is Art.. it has power to make you feel

Now imagine the power of:
🤝AI x Human music collabs

👇Here's the best Music AI tweets to stay updated


#AI #music #AIArtworks #AInews #AIcommunity a music artist with headpho...
Read 9 tweets
May 1st 2023
(1) Since #BJPinvogue, I've been toying with different #AIArtwork ideas in my head using #midjourneyv5.

The one that stuck was trying to depict Indian cricketers (@BCCI) as warriors from Epic movies and timelines.

Here are the results! 🔥

A 🧵 Image
(2) 🛡️ Have to start this with #KingKohli himself. Firstly, I chose to depict the king as a #Spartan Warrior. I thought his ferocity would go well with the classic Spartan bronze helmet and greaves. The results look like something straight out of the movie 300. ImageImageImage
(3) Decided to give a few more looks to @virat, continued with the spartan theme, and threw in the helmet. Again, looks like something that was directed straight in Hollywood. ImageImageImageImage
Read 9 tweets
Apr 29th 2023
Paper quilling is one of my favorite mediums for #AIArtworks & #midjourney. We should always acknowledge the REAL world heroes of this medium (Brodskaya, Runa, and Neli Quilling) but here are some of my own creations. FIRST, I reversed @chetbff's waterfall into this lava flow. ;) Paper kirigami quilling lav...
This beauty is mesmerizing but you can see how you might be able to create this in real life. Paper quilling portrait of ...
Maybe we could recreate famous movie scenes? aper quilling reimagining o...
Read 13 tweets
Apr 26th 2023
Today I present to you the Concept art style for character design, sketch, status screen of a video game, character in pixel art... I hope you like this curiosity, I'll open a 🧵
💬prompt in ALT
#midjourney #AIArtworks #AIart #aiartcommunity Knight with golden armor ho...
Pencil Sketch Manga character design shee...
JRPG Screenshot Character status of a Wizar...
Read 5 tweets

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