Jon Herold Profile picture
Founder of @badlandsmedia_ Author of the Devolution Series.

Jun 13, 2023, 16 tweets


Here's a comparison of two classified document situations.

Trump versus Clinton.

I won't debate over whether Trump was justified (he was), but I'm going to show the hypocrisy in bringing charges against Trump.

This is the two-tier system of justice.

Let's start with a side by side comparison of the facts. Both had documents "with classification markings."

Former President, vs. Former SOS.

One at MAL surrounded by 24/7 secret service.

One on an unsecured email server. Didn't these end up on wiki-leaks or something?

Both "allegedly" resulted in unauthorized individuals gaining access to the documents.

Both "allegedly" obstructed the investigations.

Shill all you want, telling us Hillary's team deleting over 30,000 was an "oh shit" moment is the worst explanation of all time.

That was a cover-up.

Trump was indicted.

For having the documents, and obstructing.

They couldn't find a reasonable prosecutor to indict Hillary though...

They say Trump's fit these requirements, but Clinton's don't.

There is zero chance you can argue that Trump willfully did this knowing the info "could be used to the injury of the United States."

Ok I lied I am going to argue that Trump was justified.

Multiple angles you could debate this from. I like this one, personally.…

The Smith SCO went the extra mile to Bring charges against Trump. Offering Judgeships to attorneys and stuff...

They we're too busy too even investigate Clinton's case properly. Cuz "orange-man bad."

Why did so many of the individuals from the Clinton Email investigation, the one that didn't bring indictments, go on to work in the Russia Investigation.

You know, the same Russia Investigation that they had no evidence of Russian collusion and no legitimate reason starting.

H/T Durham Report

Speaking of Andrew McCabe...

He should have recused himself from the Clinton investigation because Clinton was essentially helping his wife fundraise.

What about the Assistant AG Peter Kadzik trying to get his son a job on the Clinton Campaign during the investigation.

Or him giving John Podesta, his "longtime friend" a "heads up."

What about the actual AG at the time, Loretta Lynch, meeting with former President Bill Clinton on the tarmac where they definitely didn't talk about the Clinton investigation (sarcasm).

Comey announced less than a month later that they wouldn't be bringing indictments.

These are just a few of the key points. The IG report on the Midyear Exam is 568 pages. I could go on and on.

The same FBI that has repeatedly let Clinton off the hook, has repeatedly persecuted Trump OVER NOTHING.…

All you mainstream media outlets and the pundits that work for them are making fools of yourself by doubling down on this.

You lost control of the narrative when you told us Biden "won" the 2020 election.

Trump's indictment is Bullshit, and we won't stand for it.


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