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Jun 14, 2023, 20 tweets

1. Thread on Grenfell Tower flats burning down 6 years ago, with loss of 72 lives. RIP #Grenfell

2. The fire was totally predictable and authorities had been warned many times for over 4 years...… #grenfell #grenfelltower

3. Grenfell Tower – The Kensington Chelsea Tenant Management Organisation Culture Of Negligence…#Grenfell #GrenfellTower #KCTMO #GrenfellFire

4. Grenfell Tower 31 page download The Grenfell Tower atrocity Gordon MacLeod …… #Grenfell #GrenfellTower

5. Grenfell: Why The Fire Regulations Failed by @Albion_Rover…

6. Of course they tried to deflect, Boris Johnson's sister Rachel saying the Prime Minister was a victim of the fire! #grenfell

7. They blamed the firefighters unjustly “Grenfell: Did the Fire Brigade Fail?”… #grenfell

8. 72 people died. No one at Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea or government have been held accountable.... #grenfell #RBKC #justiceforgrenfell

9. "unresolved strands" = zero accountability and problems remain… #grenfell

10. This Saturday 17th June Walthamstow Town Square #grenfell #Justice4Grenfell

11. ‘Frustration over lack of change six years on from Grenfell is turning to anger… #grenfell

12. 6years since the Grenfell Tower fire. 72 lives lost and yet 72 months on, there's still no justice. #GrenfellNeverAgain #72Months72Lives

13. #Grenfell

14. Grenfell #grenfell

15. Grenfell #grenfell

16. Grenfell #grenfell

17. Grenfell Tower #grenfell

18. Grenfell. Why? #grenfell

19. Grenfell #grenfell

20. Grenfell #Grenfell

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