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Jun 15, 2023, 7 tweets

Liquidity Book Rewards: Epoch 6

Markets on #BNB, #Avalanche and #Arbitrum + $WOO rewards

Supply Liquidity 🌊 Accrue Fees 📘 Earn Rewards 💫 all powered by Liquidity Book, the most efficient AMM in #DeFi

🌊 Epoch 6: #BNBChain

$BNB - USDT: 40k JOE
$BTC.B - ETH: 20k JOE
$LVL - USDT: 10k JOE
$RDNT - BNB: 10k JOE
$TWT - BNB: 10k JOE
$FIL - BNB: 10k JOE
$XRP - BNB: 10k JOE

🌊 Epoch 6: #Arbitrum

$ARB - ETH: 25k JOE
$USDC - USDC.e: 10k JOE
$ETH - USDC: 20k JOE
$RDNT - ETH: 10k JOE
$GMX - ETH: 10k JOE

🌊 Epoch 6: #Avalanche

$ETH - AVAX: 10k JOE

Introducing the Savvy Market Making Campaign

Participate to unlock accelerated $SVY rewards. The campaign kicks off NOW, to participate provide liquidity into the following pools on #Arbitrum:

• $svETH-ETH

📘 How to get involved

• Supply liquidity and accrue fees
• The more fees you accrue the higher your score
• Rank in the top 20 per LP to secure rewards
• The higher your score the more $JOE you earn
• For more details visit the TJ Discord

💸 Community: Makers Club

Whilst this program is a competition, plenty of community members actively strategize together, join the Trader Joe Discord to engage and discuss.

All participants that unlock rewards will climb the Makers role and unlock access to the Makers Club.

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