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Jun 16, 2023, 15 tweets

GeoConfirmed UKR.

"Shelling of Russian soldiers and trucks in the forest north of Kreminna."

49.11242, 38.18884

GeoLocated by @Deepstate_UA

Is this the strike with over 100+ KIA's and 100+ WIA's according to Pro-Russian sources?

A thread.


The GeoLocation, thx to @Deepstate_UA:

49.11242, 38.18884


1,5 km north of #Zhytlivka/#Житлівка
7,5 km north of #Kreminna/#Кремінна
8 km West of the contactline.


What do we see?

Soldiers and trucks.
Most trucks are likely troop transport trucks.
Each truck can carry at least 30 soldiers.
Soldiers are in the trucks and near/in the wooded edge at the right.


The strikes:

Two different explosions.
We asked some experts what they think this is:

Based on the fact that you see an explosion above the treeline and that it is very precise they think these are HIMARS strike with Tungsten rounds.


More information:

"M30A1 lies in a huge number of tungsten BBs arranged around an explosive core – about 182,000 of them."…


More information:


Did the strikes hit the area?

Based on the angle in the video of the explosion from a distance, and the remnants from the explosion visible on the ground(red), at least one of the impacts was near the vehicles.


Was this the strike the Pro-Russian sources were talking about?


Other source:

"Russian nationalists called for a general to be shot, arguing 'stupidity' exposed troops to deadly Ukrainian artillery"


Other source:

"Russian Telegram channels are saying that a Russian unit was struck by HIMARS this morning on the Kreminna front with ~100 KIA and ~100 WIA. They were reportedly waiting near the front for a speech from a commander for hours."


"near Kreminna" ✅

based on the amount of troop transport trucks and other vehicles that are visible on the footage: ✅


"hundreds of casualties"

2 strikes: one near the trucks(behind the treeline) and one more to the right in the forest.

Soldiers waiting for hours will be waiting in the shadow in the forest or will be waiting in the trucks.


In the last frames of the video you see Russian evacuating a soldier all the way on the other side of were the strikes occurred. So if those soldiers, that far, were impacted by the tungsten rounds, the vehicles and the soldiers under the explosion had no chance.



Based on this analysis and the "pro-Russian" complaints:

This could be indeed one of the deadliest strikes since 24 FEB 2022, resulting in the dead of 100+ Russian soldiers while they were waiting for a speech for hours, 10km from the frontline.


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