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Jun 17, 2023, 18 tweets

The development of artificial intelligence has transitioned from technology-driven to data-driven, and big data is a necessary production factor for artificial intelligence.

Let's quickly look @aiptpcom a universal based income system (UBI) and #BitcoinL2 based on AI that's

meant to revolutionize Blockchain Technology.

Artificial intelligence Block (#ATMT) is a diverse intelligence superbrain chain providing investors with unprecedented advanced AI tools and technologies to enhance the blockchain industry manipulation experience to optimize

their trading strategies and increase their investment returns hundreds of times over.
Artificial Intelligence Block will build a virtuous ecosystem of AI bots, AI wallet, AI exchange, VR AI game development, AI social systems,
#Aiptp $ATMT #BitcoinL2 #AI #List0x

intelligent algorithmic trading manipulation systems etc.
In the future, ATMT will build an AI digital rebirth system to replicate human consciousness, images, social interaction, information, etc. into robots to obtain "intelligent immortality" as a robot.

#Aiptp $ATMT #Bitcoin

1. ATMT technically focuses on the transformation of existing blockchain systems to enable AI industry applications to utilize blockchain technology for the flow of data, services, and other resources.

#Aiptp $ATMT #BitcoinL2 #AI #List0x

2. Artificial Intelligence Block will build a benign ecosystem of artificial intelligence robot, #BitcoinL2, artificial intelligence wallet, artificial intelligence exchange, VR artificial intelligence game development, artificial intelligence social system, and intelligent

algorithmic trading manipulation system (replicating Warren Buffett, Soros, and other trading strategies), etc.
At the level of data resources, #ATMT will already introduce strategic partners Baidu, Netease, Sogou, Google, and other data resource providers and major

mainstream portals to complete the initial deployment of data resources, and will introduce more data resource partners in the future.
#Aiptp $ATMT #BitcoinL2 #AI #List0x


Total Supply:(1.997 T)

Foundation 10%
Team & Advisor 7%
Marketing. 6%
Seed Sale. 10%
Public Sale. 20%
UBI. 16%
initial Liquidity. 25%
Market Making 5%
BRC20. 1%


AI Draw entails using artificial intelligence (AI) in computer graphics and design applications, to enable users to create digital artwork with the help of AI algorithms.
#Aiptp $ATMT #BitcoinL2 #AI #List0x

AI Trading entails using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms in financial trading applications. AI Trading can be used in various financial markets, such as stocks, currencies, and commodities.

#Aiptp $ATMT #BitcoinL2 #AI #List0x

AI Wallet refers to a digital wallet that makes use of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to manage and secure cryptocurrency transactions. This technology can automatically monitor cryptocurrency markets and optimize investment decisions based on market trends.

AI mining refers to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms in the mining industry. This technology can be used to optimize mining operations, improve safety, and reduce costs.

#Aiptp $ATMT #BitcoinL2 #AI #List0x

AI Game refers to the use of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms in video games. This technology can be used to create intelligent non-player characters (NPCs) that can interact with players in more realistic and dynamic ways.

#Aiptp $ATMT #BitcoinL2 #AI #List0x

AI Search engine refers to a search engine that utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to understand user queries and provide more relevant search results.
#Aiptp $ATMT #BitcoinL2 #AI #List0x

AIPTP's NFT(Coming soon)
Anyone can use @aiptpcom's AI drawing tool to issue their own unique artwork with one click. You can create cute cartoon art pictures or gorgeous and shocking sci-fi art pictures.

For more details visit @aiptpcom official website
Medium :

#Aiptp $ATMT #BitcoinL2 #AI #List0x

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