ScottishPanda 🇬🇧 Profile picture
Lincoln “I should regret to see the day in which the people should cease to express intelligent, honest generous criticism upon the policy of their rulers.”

Jun 18, 2023, 38 tweets


This is quite a steaming pile of horseshit from brexiteers

So let's get started

1.1 I remember Vote Leave calling the EU the 4th reich

1.1 I remember Vote Leave calling the EU the 4th reich

What does it say about the UK that we abandoned our neighbours to the "4th reich in progress" ?

Rather than help save them?

1.2. I also remember the old selling of the EU will collapse (soon) peddled both pre and post 2016

1.3 I also remember the last 7 years where brexiteers have tried to peddle their shite to encourage other nations to ponder exit of the EU

Whether that be Jacob Rees Mogg who lies to Her Majesty touting his shite to the AfD or Irexit or Frexit or Itexit

1.4 Also - if the EU is such a threatening work in progress - why is Boris Johnson encouraging Ukraine to join the EU?

Riddle me fucking that


"restored accountability"



2.2 oh on accountability see also #Partygate

(warning: very long thread)

2.3 lawful electorate

I see where you are going here - afraid of proposed franchise changes to the electorate?

Unsurprising there

As you feared 16-18yo 's in 2016 or honouring franchise promises for then

You are terrified now


"Why would the newly re-enfranchised British public give that control back to Brussels"

How is that working for Northern Ireland ?

3.1 "better decisions"

a reminder

here's the sterling crash they caused in June 2016

my bad that was Liz Truss' bingo card

here we are here

3.2 oh here's farming

3.3 oh here's food

3.4 on foreign policy

4.1 it's quite simple

a comparison with what brexit was *sold as*


It wasn't a punishment beating

Liars, cheats and racists sold a con

Sadly people fell for that con

And the outcome was entirely predictable

6.1 Weird you pick on France

Is that the old Liz Truss "friend or foe" reamplification ?

The UK has done itself so much reputational damage with how it exited the EU

Deliberately so

Scorched earth so as to poison the UK body politic

Cheats liars and racists desperate.

7.1 we have a shit deal that is nowhere near as good as what brexit was sold as

8.1 ah the old EU share of global trade bollocks

And of course the desperate hollow fucking flag shagging of AUKUK or CANZUK or Commonwealth some other fucked up combination of desperate bullshit

9.1 I remember over the last 7 years many brexiteers not caring about damage ot the city of london

in fact those metropolitan elite remoaner folk could fuck off and leave

just like how was it Liam Fox put it - oh yes - the "main cards" of EU citizens living in the UK

10.1 it wasn't unsatisfactory

it was a great membership

sadly cheating lying racists exploited

1. A global financial crash
2. the affects of austerity (which MANY OF THEM ACTIVELY SOUGHT)

they knew they had one shot

and they were prepared to do anything to win

10.2 and on an "acrimonious exit"

just fuck off

that is on us

that cheating lying racists sold tickets to a fucking mirage

and then getting when that the mirage never existed

blaming anyone but themselves

@threadreaderapp unroll please

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