Angry #Putin
Yesterday, #Russian President Vladimir Putin held an online meeting with representatives of the security and military leadership. The president was in a bad mood and did not hide it much. After reports from the military leadership on the situation...
on the front, #Putin asked how the promises were being fulfilled. One of the representatives of the military bloc leadership asked the president to specify which promises he was referring to, causing a barrage of criticism and insults aimed at himself and...
the military leadership in general and in particular. The president listed practically all the promises the military made to him over the last year and a half. Virtually everything #Putin recalled turned out to be empty promises, not to mention the deadlines and...
dates to which these commitments were timed. The president recalled that the #Donetsk region should have been fully "liberated" a year ago, but, according to #Putin, "nothing fucking happens there" in terms of liberation, but there is a "surrender of territories".
The president ran an exclusively profane scolding over the entire military leadership, smoothly moving on to complaints about the quality of the information in the military reports, concluding with the specific question, "Why the fuck are you always fucking with me?"
The military present at the meeting tried to justify themselves by claiming that their data was exclusively true, but this only made the president angrier, and he promised to "put the faggots to death" and closed this part of the meeting.
A few minutes later, having calmed down a little, Putin continued his conversation, but only with representatives of the security bloc leadership. The president listened to the reports on the situation in the country and suggested discussing the preparation of plans...
to assist the security forces in mobilisation. For some time, #Putin tried to avoid this subject and to all proposals to conduct the next stage (wave) of mobilisation he avoided answering or promised to think about it. Now, he raised the subject himself and said that...
by the fall "everything should be ready". The topic was discussed for about twenty minutes, after which the president gave orders to reflect and formulate new ideas, promising to return to the discussion in a week.
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