Jim Stewartson, Counterinsurgent 🇺🇸🇺🇦💙🎈 Profile picture
Emmy-winning creative technologist, @RadicalizedPod co-host, Journalist: https://t.co/QvvP9wRDg2. This is not politics. This is a coup. #ArrestMikeFlynn

Jun 21, 2023, 12 tweets

🧵 This episode of Mike Flynn’s Dugin-named podcast-psyop focuses on fascist fear-mongering over “de-dollarization.”

The group applauds Kenya’s decoupling from the dollar and Flynn tells a false story about all the Chinese people he saw while surveilling Nairobi night clubs.

This word salad conflating Kenya “and many other nations in Africa” with the Chinese & a false conspiracy theory about a “globalist digital currency” is intended to terrify Americans into taking themselves off the financial grid to give their money to the grifters on the show.

The antisemitic subtext of this psyop to terrify people into giving up their money is clarified when they show a picture of Israeli author Yuval Harari with Emmanuel Macron.

Then, fraudulent, false NAR “prophet” Julie Green adds “God” to the conspiracy theory about “globalists.”

Batshit propagandist Tom Renz is mad that the Freedom Caucus is not sufficiently fascist. He reels off a long list of completely false, destructive conspiracy theories that they should have bought into.

Flynn laughs whole-heartedly: “I love it.”

In the context of Mike Flynn’s extremely precarious legal situation with the government — never mind the giant mistake he made by suing me — this word salad about “failure” makes more sense.

This is a man justifiably beset with anxiety and flopsweat.

Mike Flynn conflates “fear,” “failure,” and “the shadow of the valley of death” in a primal scream that ends in an overt call for a “return” to a “faith-based” theocracy.

His attempt to mumble his way around the First Amendment on the fly is nothing short of obscene.

Fraudulent “prophet” Julie Green from the christo-QAnon hybrid New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) repeats the QAnon slogan “hold the line” and says “we are fighting globalists [well-known substitute for “Jews”]. This is a spiritual battle” on par with the “3%” from 1776.

Normally I would stamp “KREMLIN PROPAGANDA” on this insane opposite day bullshit, but it says “RT” right there, so why bother?

After consuming Russian state media, the group discusses how correct it is and goes on to attack the US government and financial system.

Authoritarian cults insert phobias into victims in order to control their minds.

To close out this psyop episode, Mike Flynn wields the word “FEAR” a dozen times and repeats that you should “turn to God” by which he means frauds like false “prophet” Julie Green.

On the spine of the how-to psyops manual that Mike Flynn sells on @BNBuzz and @amazon is the logo of the secret WWII @USArmy psychological warfare division that fought Nazis w/psyops.

The podcast IS @USArmy PSYOP being waged in public by a retired 3-star general on US citizens.

Consider either/both of these charts in the context of the podcast I reported on above.

It was designed intentionally, with malice aforethought to pull people harder and faster down this pathway. 👇

ALL of the content and messages Mike Flynn produces fit in this set of tactics.

Mike Flynn’s podcast is an outgrowth of this christofascist radicalization psyop also named after genocidal Nazi Aleksandr Dugin’s book.

Flynn wants his cult to feel the fear he does, which is accountability for his decade of treason.

“We’ll probably go to the firing squad…”

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