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Jul 22, 2023, 17 tweets


In the @COVIDSelect document released last week there were embedded images containing previously unreleased emails.

One of them blows this whole thing open, and it's from #BatBumEddie Holmes.

"Pressure from on high".

@COVIDSelect It's not possible that Eddie Holmes (affiliated with EcoHealth, Fudan university and the CCP) could have anybody "on high" outside of this group.

They were literally the high priests of virology.
Fauci, Rambaut, Andersen, Bedford, Farrar.

There were no higher authorities. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

@COVIDSelect The only "on high" that there could have been were:

Donald Trump
Xi Jinping
Boris Johnson
Scott Morrison


Peter Daszak, who was - according to @AGHuff - the virological ambassador of the CIA.

Somebody who REALLY matters.

So who the hell was it? twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

@COVIDSelect @AGHuff It doesn't matter of course. This single email tells you why @edwardcholmes refused multiple FOI requests to the University of Sydney and why he was instructed to retain his emails. He is the person running the show, on behalf of the "on high" priest.

Or priestess.

@COVIDSelect @AGHuff @edwardcholmes And when #BatBumEddie's cover story failed, his buddy #WuhanDom was brought in to continue the lie.


@COVIDSelect @AGHuff @edwardcholmes Whoever on the @COVIDSelect it was that made the PDF forgot that Acrobat only performs a virtual crop of embedded images.

So the full images remained in the document.

In the following tweets I will be posting all the uncovered images.

@COVIDSelect @AGHuff @edwardcholmes p6-9

@COVIDSelect @AGHuff @edwardcholmes p11-18

@COVIDSelect @AGHuff @edwardcholmes p25-28

@COVIDSelect @AGHuff @edwardcholmes p32-38

@COVIDSelect @AGHuff @edwardcholmes p41-43

@COVIDSelect @AGHuff @edwardcholmes p44-51

@COVIDSelect @AGHuff @edwardcholmes @Daoyu15 @TonyNikolic10 @carl_jurassic @chrismartenson @Fynnderella1

And of course the inevitable hashtag...

And if you need the original document it is hosted here.


Not on the authors list of a paper they clearly co-authored or (unduly) influenced:

▶Ron Fouchier
▶Trevor Bedford
▶Anthony Fauci
▶Jeremy Farrar
▶Marion Koopmans
▶Patrick Vallance
▶Francis Collins
▶Mike Ferguson

@CharlesRixey @COVIDSelect
#ProximalOrigins https://t.co/sBv6GNuBydtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…

@CharlesRixey @COVIDSelect Not only did Holmes and Lipkin know that GOF research was going on, but they knew #ProximalOrigins was a lie to cover it up.

"We should add [Ian] as an author. Safety in numbers... he is involved in the GOF"

Lipkin was funded by the NIH.
@COVIDSelect https://t.co/lnqUGJ0wmDtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…

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