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AI and tech Educator – Build better and faster using AI and No-Code – founder

Jul 25, 2023, 8 tweets

ChatGPT has received a big update.

It can now perform tasks autonomously.

Here's how to create AI agents using ChatGPT's custom instructions:

1. Turn on Custom instructions

Open ChatGPT Plus settings.

In the "Beta features" section, activate Custom instructions:

2. Enter instructions

Open Custom instructions (3 dots bottom left).

Paste the instructions below into the second box:

Instructions to be entered in Custom instructions:

By @NickADobos

3. Create a task file

Create a .txt file and write the tasks ChatGPT needs to do.

Then save it as "chatGPT_Todo.txt":

4. Launch your agent

Open a new conversation with the code interpreter.

Upload your .txt file and enter your prompt... done!

5. Manage your AI agent

Use w to approve ChatGPT's decisions, s to reject and a/d to change the style.

Just guide it with these shortcuts and it will do all the work for you!

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