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Editor-in-Chief @UncoverDC & | Host -“With Beanz” pod| Contributor-The HighWire || Editor-in-Chief @ MAHA #CARNIVORE

Aug 4, 2023, 7 tweets

🚨Missouri v. Biden: Interesting update. Amicus brief filed by democrat led states and the District of Columbia in support of government censorship. I say it’s interesting, because the government is arguing that states don’t have standing, and in come the left to support them.

I need not say more.

Also, in comes the Brennan Center. Surprised?

This filing is just frustrating. Now, STATE government is trying to gaslight the appeals court and everyone else by claiming the collaboration was “non coercive” - this is an abject lie and this is nothing more than the government trying to trample your 1st amendment.

This also makes you wonder - why only DEMOCRAT led states on this? If their argument is so virtuous, why not EVERY state standing up to support it? I’ll tell you why - because the left have become the party of dictatorship, fascism, and authoritarian boot stomping.

Again, this type of communication IS PERMITTED under the injunction. Are they this stupid, or are they this evil?

Not to mention, the only “integrity” they care about in elections is how well they can run their grift without pushback.

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