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Abusing Open Source

Aug 25, 2023, 7 tweets

(Part 2)
Let's talk about what Happened during the first days of the #counteroffensive in the #Verbove and #Robotyne Area in detail
Its split into 2 threads because I can't put over 25 tweets in a thread, this is Part 2
[Thread] 1/

After the failed assault on the eastern side the remaining vehicle relocated to the western side of the treeline
the 46ths convoy hadn't formed up yet
and the 33RD m113s went in alone and got entirely destroyed by artillery

the 46th decided to go in as well after whatever remained from the 33rds convoy got atomized

it was a massacre the vehicles that survived were abandoned
really sad sight to see, all this happened because of disorganization and confusion

the Last convoy is the smallest one its a reinforced armored Plt From the 118th:
4 T72M1s
1 YPR-765
1 MaxxPro

this small convoy didn't achieve much either 2 T72M1s got hit by FPV strikes 1 managed to leave 1 MaxxPro got hit also the lead vehicles( 2 T72M1s 1 YPR) managed to break onto the highway

the ones that escaped pushed up the highway and they met their fate by artillery where the leo2a4 got destroyed

this was not a good start to the counter offensive
there were a lot of mistakes done
lack of AD
lack of EW
lack of artillery support
lack of Aviation Support
lack of Coordination
lack of Organization
a lot of these still stand today

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