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Satirist, Bigotry Slayer, MontyPython & Mad Magazine fan. Trump is a Moron. No Politician is worth idolizing. स्वयमेव जयते Likes&Retweets≠Endorsement. he/him

Aug 27, 2023, 15 tweets

Wknd 🧵- Modi the STEM genius

With Chandrayaan3 there is desperate hysteria amongst Modi fans to project him as some sort of a Science pioneer. Modi himself has become all sciencey in everything he says

Its time to put together some of his STEM gems: watch at leisure 😊

Tech guru Modi used Digi Cam in 1988/89. He is perhaps talking about the digi cam shown here which wasn’t commercially available. Also there was no internet in India until 95 (Let alone ability to attach a digital image in email)
But the STEM stalwart lies effortlessly 👇

Maths guru Modi suggesting Delhi is 3 times bigger then Shanghai, lying effortlessly in the process and the legend of Dholera lives on

Here the science & engineering guru making up a story about gobar gas transfer to 1 tractor tube which then was transferred to a gobar gas powered water pump to water his field. Complex concept made viable in a simple lie by the STEM guru Modi

Environmental scientist Modi debunking the common myth about climate change with SHARDI example
“Climate is not changing - we are changing”. He would have won the Nobel prize for this but for the Soros funded conspiracy against India

And who can forget Gobar Integration. It wasn’t a slip of tongue as people thought. It was because he is always thinking about science in his photogenic memory

No thread about Modi’s STEM genius is complete without cloud Radar theory. No fighter pilot could have thought about this lying maneuver to claim credit for mission’s success
Also, no “secrecy mein loojness” problem by talking about secret operations in a TV interview

Modi’s engineering prowess about camera angles is beyond Kotler Award level world famous. Here he is helping clueless humanity with life saving Camera position tips

World famous Naala Gas story needs no introduction. Haters don’t realize that what he said is not impossible in concept but the Lie Lama doesn’t need to get in to size/cost of such a gas plant near a local naala. He needed to sound like a science & tech Jedi and he did!

Modi explaining the complex yet simple science behind his glowing skin. The question about who actually asked him about his glowing skin, remains a national secret and we don’t like Loojness in Secrecy as he already told us in cloud Radar video

No one knew we could SHUCK oxygen & water from moist air!
PR team might have briefed him about some sciencey thing to say about turbines and our VishwaGuru made it his own brainwave and turned it in to meme material !

Urja Kranti by Weed Energy! Once again, not a slip of tongue but because his brain is on steroids, always!
If Manoj Kumar was alive he would have made Kranti 2 on this pathbreaking insight from our energy messiah!

Counting letters in an acronym is not easy for a math genius whose mind is light years ahead of earthlings and hence the invention of a brand new spelling of strength!

Modi gave us the most famous ultimate maths challenge - earth shattering, mind boggling unanswered question about the mysteries of universe deep inside the unexplored space & dark matter: extra 2ab kahan se aaya?

So in summary, what sums up all these Science Technology Engineering & Maths expertise claims by Modi and his cult?

This 👇

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