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Sep 4, 2023, 15 tweets

A thread that’ll prove that Periyar, founder of DMK in his own words in verifiable public records, was not just anti Brahmin but also anti Christian, Islam, Gandhi-Nehru, women & democracy So why would DMK target only Sanatan/Brahmins? We’ll tell you why in the end. Don't miss!

Periyar’s direct speech on Gandhi, Nehru & the constitution

This are his actual words on women in DK newspaper.

In this direct quote from Viduthalai (16 April 1950) on Scheduled castes

EVR called Silappadikaram a “Aryan propaganda in the following direct quote. Tamil language warriors would definitely want to know about this.

1971 speech in Mettupalayam while inaugurating the Rationalist Association, he said the following attacking ALL religions

The Vatican would surely want to know these words from his 1943 Trichy Speech

Periyar E.V. Ramasamy writing in his magazine Kudiyarasu, and he is being unusually mild here. (Naan Sonnal Unakku Yen Kopam Vara Vendum, vol. 4, p. 532, compiled by Pasu. Gowthaman).

Now comes the best part. He accused Ambedkar for selling himself to the Brahmins. (Periyar E.V.R. Chintanaikal, Anaimuthu, 1974, p. 1,860). No comments here.

Now some nice quotes directly from him for our dear democracy warriors. Periyar’s writings compiled by Pasu. Gowthaman, vol. 4, 2017, p. 432)

Some Muslims along with Darul Shah, a Muslim Tamil scholar, called Periyar ‘Islam’s enemy no. 1′. Sundara Sreenivasa offers a brief summary of Periyar’s criticism on Islam drawing from primary sources.

Periyar, in his very last speech made in December 1973, said the following. Mohabbat ki dukaan - anyone?

Some References for your perusal

Tamizhar Thalaivar Viduthalai (16 April 1950)

Kudiarasu (8 July 1947)

Viduthalai (22 September 1951)

Viduthalai (11 November 1957)

Senkoal (“Sceptre”, a Tamil magazine, 1 July 1951)

So why DMK only targets Brahmins Answer lies in shloka

अश्वं नैव गजं नैव व्याघ्रं नैव च नैव च |अजापुत्रं बलिं दद्याद्देवो दुर्बलघातकः ||
Not the horse, the elephant or the tiger either.Sacrifice the lamb, the meek.God kills the weak.

Brahmins are weak soft targets - that’s why

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