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Sep 17, 2023, 21 tweets

⚠️ Important: Russian plan for the final destruction of Ukraine 🧵

A few weeks ago, leading Russian scientists published an extensive strategy paper on foreign and domestic policy strategy for the Russian government, which was now leaked by a Russian news site.


On 20 pages, the recommendations are:
- Provide nuclear weapons to third states
- Permanently destroy all of Ukraine’s infrastructure (incl. transportation/energy) and transform it to an empty agrarian buffer zone
- Deport at least 1-2 million Ukrainians to Siberia


Author of the study is, among others, A. Karaganov, head of the council for foreign and security politics, and dean at Moscow economic university.
The other members are well connected in influential government institutions.

Main theme

The goal of a new foreign policy:
turning away from the West and enforcing a multipolar world order.
To that end, Russia is e.g. advised to nullify all treaties on nuclear weapon control with the US.

Specifically, Russia is advised to terminate OSCE membership and exit from the treaty on nuclear non-proliferation (NPT).
Enabling third states to obtain nuclear weapons would further the aspired “multipolar world order”.


Since the focus of Russian foreign policy is expected to shift towards Asia, they demand the accelerated build-up of new infrastructure and new population centers in Russia’s east and Siberia.
There are two ideas to provide the necessary labor force:


Firstly, living conditions for migrant workers from central Asia should be improved and racism against these ethnic groups should be suppressed.
Secondly, Ukraine is to be exploited as a resource.


Ukrainian POWs should be subjected to forced labor for the large infrastructure projects (building roads and railways).
In addition, in a first step 1-2 million Ukrainians should be deported to the new settlements in Siberia.

Beyond that, Ukraine plays no important role in the strategic considerations.
Their land shall be transformed into a depopulated buffer zone against the west.
There should be no investments into rebuilding Ukraine. On the contrary: A „tabula rasa“ is demanded.

After Ukraine’s occupation, all of its infrastructure should be destroyed:
- road and rail networks
- energy production
- industry
- large settlements.

At the end of this transformation, Ukraine should be a depopulated agrarian backyard.

This is intended to permanently deprive Ukraine of the possibility of existing as an independent state and nation.
Only in this way could Ukrainian “nationalism's desire for independence” be permanently broken.

Ukraine would become “uninteresting for the West”.

To end the war in Ukraine, the report suggests more credible threats of preemptive nuclear strikes on Western countries that continue to supply weapons to Ukraine.
[This may explain some "uncertainties" in the German Chancellor's Office].

Karaganov had recommended in an earlier paper that preemptive nuclear strikes on Poland, for example, be carried out immediately to give the RU nuclear threats more "credibility".

He assessed the likelihood of a NATO response as low.

Sergey Utkin @usv1980 and @jakluge had already reported on this paper earlier this month, but there was not much response.
I think it is important to more clearly publicize the position of these Russian elites (that is not Putin alone) here with us.

@usv1980 @jakluge In my opinion, it is a systematic failure of the Western leading media not to address the intentions of the Russian leadership to destroy Ukraine more prominently and more clearly.
Appeasing, relativizing and false balance wont help here.

@usv1980 @jakluge How can it be that 41% of the respondents of a recent public poll in Germany want to force the Ukraine to "lose territory"?

I explain it to myself by the fact that these people obviously know NOTHING about those Russian plans.

@usv1980 @jakluge I cannot imagine that a large part of the German population wants to watch and approve how Russia implements the above mentioned fascist-totalitarian plans of destruction and deportations in the "lost" territories of Ukraine.

@usv1980 @jakluge RU plans are known.
They are not Putin's plans, they are the plans of Russian elites.

The paper calls for the destabilization of Europe, economically and politically, as an important foreign policy goal.
An attack against which Europe has so far hardly defended itself.

@usv1980 @jakluge The debate in the West must finally be turned from head to toe.

No: there can not be any negotiation with a state like Russia, whose majority of population is actively and knowingly participating in a war of annihilation, whose leadership is breaking all treaties.

@usv1980 @jakluge Russia is our enemy today.
A majority of the Russian population is hostile towards the West. Be it from brainwashing, opportunism, ideology.

There is no common ground for negotiations.
Let's stand against this threat by unequivocally supporting Ukraine.

@usv1980 @jakluge This is the original article containing the leaked document:…

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