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Oct 30, 2023, 9 tweets

I’ve read the @time article with @ZelenskyyUa quote and it struck me but not for the grim picture it painted. I was bamboozled by the amount of anonymous comments. Now walk with me here ⬇️

For starters, weird justification of russian strikes on 🇺🇦 civilians, despite nothing russia do in Ukraine can be “in response”. Also the weird assumption that Patriots air defence systems are there to protects “Zelenskyy office” and not a 4 mln of civilians in Kyiv. But then ⬇️

Almost every paragraph of Shuster’s text included some type of context commentary from “close presidential aides” or “advisors” or “officials”.

None of the longtime members or aides are on the record. And the commentary they provide to the main storyline of Zelensky’s reality (almost 2 years into full scale russian invasion and almost a decade into 🇺🇦-russia war) are subtly painting Ukrainian defence as a failure.

These are all different instances. All these supposed advisors and aides are this quick to be frank and honest and share their deepest doubts with a foreign journalist midst war and constant misinformation campaigns? Am I missing something here?

Again, according to Shuster’s “sources” the atmosphere of despair and disbelief. Every “close president team member” commentary so just happen to perfectly match the most popular narratives about “negotiations with 🇷🇺, failed counteroffensive”, and, russia’s fave, “corruption”

Overall the article makes you think if “it’s all worth it in the end”. A perfect conclusion for someone that watches the genocide of Ukrainians like a tv show. But not for us. We, Ukrainians, don’t have a choice.

Oh. Never mind, the journalist that wrote the article is russian. Thanks for the objectivity @time

Even better. Why not Christopher miller then? Both are making money off of our genocide they themselves enabled.

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