How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App is “morally consistent” when “exposing” nazies and fascists. But only if they are in 🇺🇦. Not her home Czech Republic. Because… “not many people are interested”, still blocks people that bring it up. She admits that tweets about nazies in 🇺🇦 are more popular onlineНе знаєте куди йти і шо писати чи лайкати? Зайдіть на мене, профіль, вкладка Відповіді (replies) і ВСЕ ЩО АНГЛ МОВОЮ, поки у вас палець не заболить. Murza is a brilliant speaker, no doubts about it. His command of the word and storytelling skill is impressive. And he starts by acknowledging the situation and mentioning how hard was it for him to get to the us because of closed airspace around russia. to this she also was sad about russian invaders losses (see QT) and gave spotlight to a russian fsb-project - a soldier who admitted he killed civilians in 🇺🇦 and Chechnya and now is suddenly “a changed man in Europe” and going to publish “memoirs”. Disgusting and vile.