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Free spirit & cool cat at heart.🌹The truth will always prevail, count on it. Accuracy is my motive, if you ever see something wrong, just tell me. I ❤️‍🔥 @X

Dec 5, 2023, 10 tweets

🏆 Breaking! Part 14 of the Bad Kitty exposé!

The confusing entanglements of the DHS CISA Election Integrity Partnerships (EIP) personnel, the World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Coalition For Digital Safety, Atlantic Council GeoTech Center, and the CTI League Files.

Recall I already connected the CTI League file crew to a World Economic Forum 2018 program.

I also connected, Katie Starbird of the EIP, to the CTI League partnered Hacks/Hackers too. I’ll attach both of those below.

This newly found WEF program, the Global Coalition For Digital Safety, is headed by David Bray from the Atlantic Council GeoTech Center. The same center that housed Sara Terp and Pablo Breuer of the CTI League files. (See photos)

Amy X Zhang, of the WEF Global Coalition For Digital Safety (see photo), is from the Washington University Center For Informed people (CIP). The same center that ran the EIP, and is where Katie Starbird worked.

Amy Zhang also worked on the National Science Foundation (NSF) Convergence Accelerator project called Wisedex. Wisedex worked with the EIP.

“The Election Integrity Partnership (Washington and Stanford) will provide a data stream (to Wisedex) of misleading content related to the 2022 U.S. elections that will serve as one source of claims to profile. (See photo)

Also listed in the same NSF doc is mention of the ARTT 2 convergence accelerator. The same Hacks/Hackers one that Amy Zhang, Connie Moon Sehat, Tanushree Mitra, and Kate Starbird worked together on.

An amazing find here 👇🏻

❤️‍🔥 The World Economic Forum Global Coalition For Digital Safety even thanked Hacks/Hackers for their support. ❤️‍🔥

“We thank HACKS/HACKERS and Craig Newmark Philanthropies  for their support of the Global Coalition for Digital Safety.”

So a U.S. government grant funded org (hacks/hackers) was thanked for their support by the WEF? This would include Katie Starbird then, true?

Hack/Hackers was also partnered with Google News lab, one of the earliest disinfo orgs.

Also note that Hacks/Hackers and Meedan founded the Credibility Coalition.

And Hacks/Hackers works on Reality Team and is partnered with the CTI League, Credibility Coalition, and the Cogsec Collaborative, plus more.

Amy Zhang is also from the WEF partnered Credabilty Coalition, Hacks/Hackers, Harvard Berkman Klein, and MIT.

Additional people listed on the WEF Global Coalition For Digital Safety doc:

☢️Connie Moon Sehat, Hack Hackers phase 2 of ARTT, WEF partnered Credibility Coalition, Meedan, and is a Senior Project Fellow, World Economic Forum.

☢️Jennifer 8 Lee, Hack/Hackers board member, co-founder Misinfocon, Founder Google/Knight Fndn Newsgeist, co-founder Credibility Coalition, Co-chair of the WEF Global Future Council on Media, Entertainment and Sport

☢️Daphne Keller, Director of Stanford Program on Platform Regulation, Cyber Policy Center Lecturer, Stanford Law School

☢️Ahmed Medien, Project Manager, Hacks/Hackers, Misinfocon organizer, Credibility Coalition, Project Fellow World Economic Forum Media Entertainment and Sport

☢️Tanushree Mitra, Hack/Hackers phase 2 of ARTT, credibility coalition, Assistant Professor, University Washington

*Note, their orgs listed may not be all inclusive.

**I just found something that indicates interoperability of Hacks/Hackers and Credibility Coalition. An email list request for Credibility Coalition to send help requests to either of two Hacks/Hackers individuals.

Sources and referenced posts to follow. This certainly calls for a congressional investigation. @Weaponization

Here’s the documents from the WEF Global Coalition For Digital Safety:

🔵 June 2021 World Economic Forum

Advancing Digital Safety:
A Framework to Align Global Action

“Governments, industry, academia and civil society can drive collective action through the newly launched Global Coalition for Digital Safety.”

Inside this doc is a link to the list of names. But feel free to read or skim this too.

🔵 This is the list of names linked in the doc.

The director of the Atlantic Council GeoTech center is David Bray.

Sara Jayne Terp is the senior advisor, Pablo Breuer is a senior fellow, and Richard J Cordes is a fellow.

Included inside the next doc is a ton of member names.

🔵Other staff includes:

Mr. John Goodman Ms. Teresa Carlson

Honorary co-chairs:
Sen. Mark Warner
Sen. Rob Portman
Rep. Suzan DelBene
Rep. Michael McCaul

Mr. Max R. Peterson II
Mr. Paul Daugherty
Mr. Maurice Sonnenberg
Hon. Michael Chertoff
Hon. Michael J. Rogers
Mr. Pascal Marmier Ramayya Krishnan, PhD
Hon. Shirley Ann Jackson, PhD
Hon. Susan M. Gordon
Vint Cerf, PhD
Zia Khan, PhD
Anthony Scriffignano, PhD
Ms. Frances F. Townsend Admiral James Stavridis, USN, Ret.

Here’s the doc that includes the list of names and bios on tons of Atlantic Council and their GeoTech center staffers.

🔵Fellow list

🔵Team and partners lists:

Partners are:
🔸Carnegie Mellon
🔸United Arab Emirates program for AI

Here’s the 2018 World Economic Forum program that worked with the Credibility Coalition folks involved with CTI League, Google linked orgs, and other disinfo groups.

Google and the WEF are recurring aspects in the censorship apparatus.

Kate Starbird of Washington University was involved with both the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) and the Virality Project. She also chaired the DHS's censorship subcommittee at CISA.

Kate, was also involved with a Hack/Hackers (Google partnered) project to use humans as misinfo bots.

The same Hacks/Hackers thanked by the World Economic Forum for their support.

“We thank HACKS/HACKERS and Craig Newmark Philanthropies for their support of the Global Coalition for Digital Safety.”

These are the same group of folks exposed in the CTI Files.

You know, I still want to know why we have the Institute for Statecraft Integrity Initiative folks working on disinfo for our elections via the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP).

DFRLAB still falls under the Institute for Statecraft/Zinc Network.

Nina Jankowicz wasn’t only the Integrity Initiative, but she was on the Zinc Network payroll too.

Feb 2022 - Global Partners Digital London has joined the World Economic Forums Global Coalition For Digital Safety.

The 31-strong coalition includes representatives from key tech companies including

🔸Civil society orgs
🔸National institutions and regulators
🔸Think tanks

Next post we’ll get into this a bit more. This gives you a nice solid foundation of what you will be looking at.

I’m running out of steam, but I post sources until I drop. 😹

World Economic Forum Global Coalition For Digital Safety

First photo is their advisory group, the most notable being:

🔹Two from Carnegie Endowments
🔹Meedan (Founded credibility coalition with Hacks/Hackers and was in the First Draft News network.)

Members list, and here’s a sampling of some orgs they represent.

🔸Annenberg (Part of Reality Team with Hacks/Hackers and Credibility Coalition etc)
🔸Global Partners Digital
🔸The Atlantic

Note, OFCOM is a broadcasting regulator.

Since 2019, the Forum’s Media, Entertainment, and Sport platform has curated an extensive expert network across business, academia, civil society, and government through the Advancing Global Digital Content Safety Project. The work which culminated in the formation of the Coalition is now focused on four areas. Each with two leads:

♦️Courtney Gregoire
Chief Digital Safety Officer, Microsoft (Co-Chair)

♦️Iain Drennan
Executive Director,  WEProtect Global Alliance

♦️Julie Inman Grant
eSafety Commissioner, Australia,  (Co-Chair)

♦️Adam Hildreth 
Founder, Crisp, a Kroll business, United Kingdom (Co-Chair) 

♦️David Sullivan
Executive Director, Digital Trust and Safety Partnership (Co-Chair)

♦️Gill Whitehead
Online Safety Group Director, Ofcom (Co-Chair)

♦️Sasha Havlicek
Chief Executive Officer, Institute for Strategic Dialogue

♦️Angela Mckay
Director, T&S Research & Partnerships, Google

Ok here’s a document on the National Science Foundation convergence accelerators.

♦️Wisedex - {Track F}
Amy X Zhang etc - For use with Election Integrity Project (EIP)

“Led by University of Michigan,WiseDex harnesses the wisdom of crowds and AI
techniques to help flag more posts. The result is
more comprehensive, equitable, and consistent
enforcement, significantly reducing the spread of misinfo.

♦️ Analysis and Response Toolkit for Trust (ARTT) - {Track F} - Led by Hacks/Hackers -

Includes Amy Zhang, Connie Moon Sehat, and Kate Starbird etc.

“This assists online communities with building trust around controversial topics such as vaccine efficacy. Users receive helpful approaches to engage, navigate, and analyze

Feel free to examine other Track F censorship programs.

As Michael Shellenberger and Matt Taibbi said, all of track F should go.

This here thread by Mike Benz discusses the NSF Track F convergence accelerators. Which Biden uses to fund disinfo censorship work.

Mike explains things pretty well, so why repeat it. He also discusses Wisedex in detail here too.

🔸In the post above this, I made an error. That should have read that Wisedex worked with the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP). I accidentally put project.

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