The confusing entanglements of the DHS CISA Election Integrity Partnerships (EIP) personnel, the World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Coalition For Digital Safety, Atlantic Council GeoTech Center, and the CTI League Files.
Recall I already connected the CTI League file crew to a World Economic Forum 2018 program.
I also connected, Katie Starbird of the EIP, to the CTI League partnered Hacks/Hackers too. I’ll attach both of those below.
This newly found WEF program, the Global Coalition For Digital Safety, is headed by David Bray from the Atlantic Council GeoTech Center. The same center that housed Sara Terp and Pablo Breuer of the CTI League files. (See photos)
Amy X Zhang, of the WEF Global Coalition For Digital Safety (see photo), is from the Washington University Center For Informed people (CIP). The same center that ran the EIP, and is where Katie Starbird worked.
Amy Zhang also worked on the National Science Foundation (NSF) Convergence Accelerator project called Wisedex. Wisedex worked with the EIP.
“The Election Integrity Partnership (Washington and Stanford) will provide a data stream (to Wisedex) of misleading content related to the 2022 U.S. elections that will serve as one source of claims to profile. (See photo)
Also listed in the same NSF doc is mention of the ARTT 2 convergence accelerator. The same Hacks/Hackers one that Amy Zhang, Connie Moon Sehat, Tanushree Mitra, and Kate Starbird worked together on.
An amazing find here 👇🏻
❤️🔥 The World Economic Forum Global Coalition For Digital Safety even thanked Hacks/Hackers for their support. ❤️🔥
“We thank HACKS/HACKERS and Craig Newmark Philanthropies for their support of the Global Coalition for Digital Safety.”
So a U.S. government grant funded org (hacks/hackers) was thanked for their support by the WEF? This would include Katie Starbird then, true?
Hack/Hackers was also partnered with Google News lab, one of the earliest disinfo orgs.
Also note that Hacks/Hackers and Meedan founded the Credibility Coalition.
And Hacks/Hackers works on Reality Team and is partnered with the CTI League, Credibility Coalition, and the Cogsec Collaborative, plus more.
Amy Zhang is also from the WEF partnered Credabilty Coalition, Hacks/Hackers, Harvard Berkman Klein, and MIT.
Additional people listed on the WEF Global Coalition For Digital Safety doc:
☢️Connie Moon Sehat, Hack Hackers phase 2 of ARTT, WEF partnered Credibility Coalition, Meedan, and is a Senior Project Fellow, World Economic Forum.
☢️Jennifer 8 Lee, Hack/Hackers board member, co-founder Misinfocon, Founder Google/Knight Fndn Newsgeist, co-founder Credibility Coalition, Co-chair of the WEF Global Future Council on Media, Entertainment and Sport
☢️Daphne Keller, Director of Stanford Program on Platform Regulation, Cyber Policy Center Lecturer, Stanford Law School
☢️Ahmed Medien, Project Manager, Hacks/Hackers, Misinfocon organizer, Credibility Coalition, Project Fellow World Economic Forum Media Entertainment and Sport
☢️Tanushree Mitra, Hack/Hackers phase 2 of ARTT, credibility coalition, Assistant Professor, University Washington
*Note, their orgs listed may not be all inclusive.
**I just found something that indicates interoperability of Hacks/Hackers and Credibility Coalition. An email list request for Credibility Coalition to send help requests to either of two Hacks/Hackers individuals.
Sources and referenced posts to follow. This certainly calls for a congressional investigation. @Weaponization
Here’s the documents from the WEF Global Coalition For Digital Safety:
🔵 June 2021 World Economic Forum
Advancing Digital Safety:
A Framework to Align Global Action
“Governments, industry, academia and civil society can drive collective action through the newly launched Global Coalition for Digital Safety.”
Inside this doc is a link to the list of names. But feel free to read or skim this too.
🔵 This is the list of names linked in the doc.
The director of the Atlantic Council GeoTech center is David Bray.
Sara Jayne Terp is the senior advisor, Pablo Breuer is a senior fellow, and Richard J Cordes is a fellow.
Included inside the next doc is a ton of member names.
🔵Other staff includes:
Mr. John Goodman Ms. Teresa Carlson
Honorary co-chairs:
Sen. Mark Warner
Sen. Rob Portman
Rep. Suzan DelBene
Rep. Michael McCaul
Mr. Max R. Peterson II
Mr. Paul Daugherty
Mr. Maurice Sonnenberg
Hon. Michael Chertoff
Hon. Michael J. Rogers
Mr. Pascal Marmier Ramayya Krishnan, PhD
Hon. Shirley Ann Jackson, PhD
Hon. Susan M. Gordon
Vint Cerf, PhD
Zia Khan, PhD
Anthony Scriffignano, PhD
Ms. Frances F. Townsend Admiral James Stavridis, USN, Ret.
Here’s the doc that includes the list of names and bios on tons of Atlantic Council and their GeoTech center staffers.
🔵Fellow list
🔵Team and partners lists:
Partners are:
🔸Carnegie Mellon
🔸United Arab Emirates program for AI
Here’s the 2018 World Economic Forum program that worked with the Credibility Coalition folks involved with CTI League, Google linked orgs, and other disinfo groups.
Google and the WEF are recurring aspects in the censorship apparatus.
Kate Starbird of Washington University was involved with both the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP) and the Virality Project. She also chaired the DHS's censorship subcommittee at CISA.
Kate, was also involved with a Hack/Hackers (Google partnered) project to use humans as misinfo bots.
The same Hacks/Hackers thanked by the World Economic Forum for their support.
“We thank HACKS/HACKERS and Craig Newmark Philanthropies for their support of the Global Coalition for Digital Safety.”
These are the same group of folks exposed in the CTI Files.
You know, I still want to know why we have the Institute for Statecraft Integrity Initiative folks working on disinfo for our elections via the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP).
DFRLAB still falls under the Institute for Statecraft/Zinc Network.
Nina Jankowicz wasn’t only the Integrity Initiative, but she was on the Zinc Network payroll too.
Feb 2022 - Global Partners Digital London has joined the World Economic Forums Global Coalition For Digital Safety.
The 31-strong coalition includes representatives from key tech companies including
🔸Civil society orgs
🔸National institutions and regulators
🔸Think tanks
Next post we’ll get into this a bit more. This gives you a nice solid foundation of what you will be looking at.
I’m running out of steam, but I post sources until I drop. 😹
World Economic Forum Global Coalition For Digital Safety
First photo is their advisory group, the most notable being:
🔹Two from Carnegie Endowments
🔹Meedan (Founded credibility coalition with Hacks/Hackers and was in the First Draft News network.)
Members list, and here’s a sampling of some orgs they represent.
🔸Annenberg (Part of Reality Team with Hacks/Hackers and Credibility Coalition etc)
🔸Global Partners Digital
🔸The Atlantic
Note, OFCOM is a broadcasting regulator.
Since 2019, the Forum’s Media, Entertainment, and Sport platform has curated an extensive expert network across business, academia, civil society, and government through the Advancing Global Digital Content Safety Project. The work which culminated in the formation of the Coalition is now focused on four areas. Each with two leads:
♦️Courtney Gregoire
Chief Digital Safety Officer, Microsoft (Co-Chair)
♦️Iain Drennan
Executive Director, WEProtect Global Alliance
♦️Julie Inman Grant
eSafety Commissioner, Australia, (Co-Chair)
♦️Adam Hildreth
Founder, Crisp, a Kroll business, United Kingdom (Co-Chair)
♦️David Sullivan
Executive Director, Digital Trust and Safety Partnership (Co-Chair)
♦️Gill Whitehead
Online Safety Group Director, Ofcom (Co-Chair)
♦️Sasha Havlicek
Chief Executive Officer, Institute for Strategic Dialogue
♦️Angela Mckay
Director, T&S Research & Partnerships, Google
Ok here’s a document on the National Science Foundation convergence accelerators.
♦️Wisedex - {Track F}
Amy X Zhang etc - For use with Election Integrity Project (EIP)
“Led by University of Michigan,WiseDex harnesses the wisdom of crowds and AI
techniques to help flag more posts. The result is
more comprehensive, equitable, and consistent
enforcement, significantly reducing the spread of misinfo.
♦️ Analysis and Response Toolkit for Trust (ARTT) - {Track F} - Led by Hacks/Hackers -
Includes Amy Zhang, Connie Moon Sehat, and Kate Starbird etc.
“This assists online communities with building trust around controversial topics such as vaccine efficacy. Users receive helpful approaches to engage, navigate, and analyze
Feel free to examine other Track F censorship programs.
As Michael Shellenberger and Matt Taibbi said, all of track F should go.
This here thread by Mike Benz discusses the NSF Track F convergence accelerators. Which Biden uses to fund disinfo censorship work.
Mike explains things pretty well, so why repeat it. He also discusses Wisedex in detail here too.
🔸In the post above this, I made an error. That should have read that Wisedex worked with the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP). I accidentally put project.
🔥🔥🔥The first ever major US censorship was not only Google initiated, it is 💯 linked to the CIA and the UK 77th psyop brigade!
First Draft News, was our first major censorship org both in the US and globally. It was started by the CIA funded Google. But just in case you don’t want to take me seriously on the CIA part, here’s more:
Bellingcat was one of the original orgs signed up by Google to run First Draft News. And it’s been 💯 funded by the CIA NED
Bellingcat was also in the intel cutout Integrity Initiative censorship org. Oh and Bellingcat was also in the Zinc Network censorship org.
The CIA founded Google asked Bellingcat to sign up. Never mind that they also asked Meedan who is a major global censor that works with our DHS and in Brazil who is going after Elon.
Most noteworthy is Google, Meedan, Storyful and Bellingcat.
Storyful, another founding org that Google approached, had Alastair Aiken, he founded the UK 77th psyop brigade:
“ALASTAIR AITKEN, of Storyful Intelligence, the News Corp digital intelligence company, he provided advice and insight to senior corporate and financial services leaders on digital networked influence and ESG strategy.
For thirty years he was in the British Army, leaving as a Brigadier having founded and built the internationally renowned 77th Brigade, the first Information Warfare organization in a western country.”
And Alastair Aitken too was a member of the intelligence cutout, Integrity Initiative.
Our censorship was created by intelligence and there’s no way out for these goons.
Now on to the National Endowment for Democracy (NED)
“National Endowment for Democracy (NED) has funded groups such as Bellingcat, Index on Censorship, Article 19, Finance Uncovered, and the Thomson Reuters Foundation”
(Reuters is connected to the Zinc Network intelligence cutout via leaks I have previously exposed.)
“Former CIA officer tells Declassified the NED is a vehicle for US government propaganda”
“Allen Weinstein, the director of the research study that led to creation of the NED in the 1980s, remarked in 1991: “A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.””
“CIA whistleblower Philip Agee, who served in the agency in the 1960s, commented in 1995: “Nowadays, instead of having just the CIA going around behind the scenes and trying to manipulate the process secretly by inserting money here and instructions there and so forth, they have now a sidekick, which is this National Endowment for Democracy.””
“The National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a non-profit corporation funded by the US Congress, has ploughed over £2.6m into seven British independent media groups over the past five years.”
“The NED was “created…to do in the open what the Central Intelligence Agency has done surreptitiously for decades”, the New York Times reported in 1997. That included spending millions of dollars to “support things like political parties, labor unions, dissident movements and the news media in dozens of countries.””
❗️❗️Breaking! Google just didn’t seed fund First Draft News, the first major US and global censorship org, it CREATED IT! I also have finally gotten the names of the Google employees they used to start the global censorship in 2015. This was in preparation for the 2016 elections. Yup, the same Google that visited the Obama White House 427 times. And the same Google that helped Obama win both his first and second presidencies!
Interestingly, Tim Walz went on to hire one of the two Google individuals, Steve Grove.
All along I thought the First Draft News consortium was started on June 18, 2015, when it was announced by Olivia Ma. But actually contact was made in April 2015.
I’ve been looking for more specifics on First Drafts origins for years, now I have TWO SOURCES. Also Google expanded its support to include its GLOBAL TEAM.
1. First Draft website:
“Most importantly, a final huge thank you to Steve Grove and Olivia Ma at Google News Lab. They got us all in a room in New York in April 2015 and FLOATED THE IDEA of First Draft. Since then, their support and enthusiasm, now combined with the same from their global team, has been invaluable.
2. Google News Lab on Medium - Steve Grove Director of the News Lab at Google.
“At the center of our efforts around this topic is the First Draft coalition, WHICH WE STARTED in 2015 with seven social media verification organizations to create standards and best practices in the news industry for verifying eyewitness media content and COMBATTING FAKE NEWS.
In 2016, we expanded the coalition to over 80 partners worldwide, and were thrilled to welcome Facebook and Twitter as well.”
Claire Wardle, the director of First Draft, on March 31, 2015, and weeks prior to Googles offer, became the Tow Centers Research Director. She worked with Tow/Knight previously. Google is partnered with the Knight Foundation.
And, it just so happens that Steve Grove and Olivia Ma who started First Draft were frequent visitors to the Obama White House over many years! I even have Steve Grove down for a strategy meeting with Obama less than 3 months before the April 2015 First Draft Consortium inception.
♦️Video #1 - Shows that Steve Grove, the director of Google News Lab, first met Obama at Google while Obama was still a senator.
This also shows the multiple projects from multiple time frames that Steve Grove worked with Obama from 2009 to 2016. He’s all over this video.
This also shows that Steve Grove worked with Obama during the same time that he and Olivia Ma created the First Draft News global censorship org.
♦️Video # 2 - Shows that Olivia Ma accompanied Steve Grove to the White House on at least one occasion in 2010.
These videos may seem boring to you, but to me they are documentation of evidence.
Sources to follow.
Google started what I consider the first major censorship in America, and globally, so this can’t be taken lightly.
The Biden admin has expanded things globally, during the same time that First Draft was shuttered. But First Drafts framework and training, still used today, was already built.
Here’s the evidence that proves that Google was responsible.
1. First Draft News Website:
“Most importantly, a final huge thank you to Steve Grove and Olivia Ma at Google News Lab. They got us all in a room in New York in April 2015 and floated the idea of First Draft. Since then, their support and enthusiasm, now combined with the same from their global team, has been invaluable.”
2. Steve Grove - Google News Lab Director on their Medium page:
“At the center of our efforts around this topic is the First Draft coalition, which we started in 2015 with seven social media verification organizations to create standards and best practices in the news industry for verifying eyewitness media content and combating fake news.
In 2016, we expanded the coalition to over 80 partners worldwide, and were thrilled to welcome Facebook and Twitter as well.
Any news organization can sign up, and in 2017, we’ll be working with the coalition to engage in more projects like Electionland, our polling place verification initiative.”
Now there are multiple formal announcement of the creation of the First Draft Coalition, but why not share one made by Googles Olivia Ma, one of the actual creators herself?
I’ll also show that Olivia got a promotion to the Google News Lab to join, Steve Grove. Where she grew the First Draft Coalition to become the massively expanded, and now globalized, First Draft News.
1. Olivia Ma, the director of the Google News Initiative, and the creator of the First Draft Coalition:
“We’re bringing together a group of thought leaders and pioneers in social media journalism to create educational resources on how to verify eyewitness media, and how to consider the ethics of using it in news reporting.
This new group, called The First Draft Coalition, will consist of experts from Eyewitness Media Hub, Storyful, Bellingcat, First Look Media's , Meedan, Emergent, SAM Desk, and Verification Junkie. The Coalition will develop and program a new site for verification and ethics training, tools, research, and, most importantly, case studies around the biggest news stories of the moment.”
2. Olivia Ma, Head of Partnerships, the Google News Lab.
“Today, just over a year after its creation, we’re excited to announce the expansion of the First Draft Coalition, with the launch of a new partner network, including major news and technology organizations.
We’re proud to welcome Facebook and Twitter into the network, as well as newsrooms around the world, including:
The New York Times, The Washington Post, BuzzFeed News, CNN, ABC News (Australia), AJ+, ProPublica, Agence France-Presse, Channel 4 News, The Telegraph, France Info, Breaking News, Les Décodeurs, International Business Times UK, Eurovision News Exchange, SAM, Aljazeera Media Network, Reveal project, InVID project, Euronews, Sourcefabric, WITNESS, Amnesty International, European Journalism Centre, American Press Institute, International Fact Checking Network, Duke Reporters’ Lab.”
🔥🔥Today’s breaking report! A 2021 Brazil Tribunal Superior Electoral (TSE) court meeting that exemplifies the intermeshing of the US and Brazil censorship apparatus.
The same exact disinfo racket running in the US are also working with Brazil. Brazil also used US publications from the same groups to write their own 2022 disinfo policies.
This is part two, Brazil, Comprova, Meedan and the Alexandre de Moraes Superior Electoral Court.
In Oct 2021 there was a disinformation meeting on Zoom between the Brazil TSE courts, a few Brazil NGO’s, and US groups.
“The Superior Electoral Court (TSE) holds the International Seminar Disinformation and Elections, with live broadcast on the TSE's YouTube channel. The seminar has experts and representatives from Brazil and abroad from public institutions and civil society entities, as well as media outlets. The goal is to raise ways to prevent or minimize the disclosure of misinfo in the 2022 General Elections.”
So who was all there?
- First Draft News, Claire Wardle (Google seed funded)
- Digital Forensics Research Lab (DFRLab - Atlantic Council) Luiza Bandeira
- International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), Lisa Repell
- Carnegie endowments Alicia Wainless
- Harvard Law School professor Lawrence Lessig
- YouTube/Google, Alexandra Veitch
- Twitter, Jessica Herrera-Flanigan
- Facebook, Neil Potts
- WhatsApp, Will Cathcart
-TSE, Minister Luís Roberto Barroso
- TSE general secretary, Aline Osorio
- TSE - president and vice president of the Electoral Court, ministers Luís Roberto Barroso and Edson Fachin
- TSE - secretary general of the Presidency of the Court, Aline Osorio.
- Plus many Brazil NGO’s
Extra note:
🔹The Biden CIA Director, William Burns, was president at Carnegie Endowment until March 2021. This meeting happened Oct 2021.
So which orgs documents did Brazil use to write its 2022 disinfo and misinfo policies?
- USAID (state dept)
- Stanford (EIP)
- DFRLAB (EIP) Atlantic Council
- Graphika (EIP)
- Harvard Belfer
- Harvard Shorenstein
- Aspen Institute
- ISD Global
- Center for Tech and Civic Life (Zuckerbucks)
- Brennan Center
- Center for Democracy and Technology
You must also remember, as previously reported by me, that Brazil and its TSE belongs to the US State Dept Open Government Partnership (OGP). It was an original partner with this Obama initiated program. Part of this includes promises of disinformation handling.
Ok now I can get back to Meedan, after showing you that US censorship went global. Sources with print screens to follow.
Here’s print screens of the English translation of the Brazil Tribunal Superior Electoral (TSE) courts website event announcement which included the US censorship apparatus. They wanted ideas from US orgs on how to expand censorship.
Also included were social media orgs.
Not in English 👇🏻
This Brazil TSE document details their 2022 election disinformation project.
The planning for this was discussed at the, above mentioned, Oct 2021 TSE event with USA orgs.
TSE Permanent Program to Confront Disinformation
In the scope of the Electoral Justice
Strategic (TSE) Plan Elections 2022
“IV. Theoretical references
“The program adopts as acting parameters and interpretative guides, always critically and adapted to the Brazilian context and the particularities of local electoral legislation, a series of declarations, guides, reports and other documents, produced by international organizations and international entities and nationals dedicated to the study and confrontation of misinformation.
The main theoretical references used by the program, including some of the most relevant recent developments on the subject, are indicated below.”
Resources begin on page 19. This is not in English, and there could be other hidden gems inside.
🔥🔥Breaking! Obama linked Google is involved in censorship in Brazil! Also, Brazils Alexandre de Moraes TSE is involved! And so is the US embassy. The US DHS is linked also.
This is part one, Brazil, Comprova, Meedan and the Alexandre de Moraes Superior Electoral Court.
X is under fire in Brazil partly by a censorship apparatus started by First Draft News, and seed funded by Google. With DHS and spook city connections also.
Meet the First Draft News, Crosscheck program which is called Comprova in Brazil. Which still lives on past First Drafts demise and rebirth at Brown University.
Since 2016 First Draft has promoted collaborative reporting and cross-checking experiences around elections in the United States, France, United Kingdom, Germany, Brazil, Nigeria, Spain, Uruguay, Argentina, Australia and the European Union. Brazils began in 2018.
Also recall First Drafts heavy connections to Integrity Initiative orgs such as the Atlantic Council, and included the founder of the 77th psyop brigade in its first days.
Now let’s move forward to Comprova Brazil which has been and still is partnered with Alexandre de Moraes Superior Electoral Court (TSE). I was waiting to see what happened for 2024 and sure enough they are involved again and launched this month.
US embassy and Comprova:
US Embassy in Brazil financed the + Communities project, allowing eight journalistic collectives to participate in Comprova.
US Embassy in Brazil financed the +Redações project, which allowed six media organizations (one from each region and the other from the Federal District) to have a journalist dedicated to Comprova.
See the institutions that participated in the creation of the TSE 2024 campaign to confront lies:
- TSE - Superior Electoral Court
- Comprova Project
- Lupa Agency
- Abraji - Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism
- Abert - Brazilian
- Association of Radio and Television Broadcasters
- Ajor - Digital Journalism Association
- Alright
- Aner - National Association of Magazine Editors
- ANJ - National Association of Newspapers
- To The Facts
- Coar
- Open Word Institute
- Projor - Institute for the Development of Journalism
Another from this list is LUPA.
“U.S. Embassy and Consulates in Brazil launch, together with Agência Lupa, ran a free fact-checking training for journalists and students.”
Also, on June 13, 2022, Lupa and the Google partner, Hacks/Hackers, convened Brazil's first-ever MisinfoCon. Recall MisinfoCon was started at Google and Knight foundations Newsgeist with Hacks/Hackers involvement. This led to the creation of the DHS Disarm framework aka CTI League Files.
The above event brought together journalists, representatives of the Superior Electoral Court (TSE), and other professionals.
Meedan, an original founding partner at First Draft News, is also partnered with Lupa.
Meedan has been partnered with the Brazil Superior Electoral Court for multiple things. Also involved in Comprova was Meedan.
“Estadão Verifica’s (Brazil disinfo org) strategy to address misinformation in Brazil works with Meedan CHECK.”
The newspaper, O Estado de S. Paulo, that runs the Estadão Verifica disinfo org, helped in the creation of Comprova. This was initiated by their editor and First Draft News member Daniel Bramatti. He was also Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji).
Comprova now claims that Abraji is now running it. Although it was started by First Draft News.
Meedan check is pro Palestine, and partnered with Palestinian fact-checking platform Kashif to respond to claims through a Whatsapp channel.
Ed bice, founder of Meedan, belongs to the credibility coalition. Which created the disarm framework used by our DHS CISA. Meedan also gets USA NSF Track F funding. Meedan has other disinfo ties in Brazil.
Meedan will be involved in fact checking for both the US and Brazil 2024 elections.
We will get into Meedan further in part 2. All sources to follow.
August 2024 - Comprova, Lupa, Superior Electoral Court (TSE), Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji) etc join together for the election like in the past.
“Fighting lies: TSE and Aner join associations to create an information campaign about the elections”
“On launch day, two playbooks developed by Aner and the TSE Communication Secretariat (Secom/TSE) will be released with information about the institution and the electoral process. One of them has voters as its target audience, while the other is intended for journalists.”
🚨🚨🚨Huge news folks along with Kamala documents galore!! Kamala Harris may possibly not be a naturalized US citizen! But wait, it’s not what you think. This is due to special immigration laws nobody has considered. Plus it seems both her mama Shamala, and father broke some laws too!
You see, the Department of Justice and FBI opened an investigation of Kamala Harris’ alien Indian mother for unauthorized work and marriage fraud in 1967.
Now, this next thing doesn’t affect anything, I think. 🤷♀️ But Kamala’s mom had an extended deportation order that expired 5 days before Kamala was born!
Also, when Kamala Harris' mother claimed to be a Caucasian on her Indian daughter's birth certificate, the alien INS scheduled for deportation concealed her nationality as a citizen of India in violation of the 1952 Walter-McCarran Act that controlled alien immigration when she arrived in 1958
Claiming to be a “Caucasian” for an alien from India in 1964, whose admission on an H-1 student visa came with tight restrictions under the 1952 McCarran-Walter Act, created a federal law problem for Gopolan.
Based on the McCarran-Walter Act of 1952, which established the immigration laws under which her mother had entered the nation in 1958, Kamala Harris could not be “naturalized” as a half-breed child of an Indian from India and a British Jamaican. The Luce-Cellar Act of 1946 was still in effect limiting the number of Indians immigrating to the United States of America to no more than 100 per year when she was born in 1964. The current Vice President of the United States of America should have applied for a student visa and then citizenship when she entered this nation’s borders from Canada as an adult in 1982.
More on Kamala’s mom’s (Shyamala) DOJ issues:
Fourteen years after she requested a January 6, 1972 dissolution from her “on paper” July 5, 1963 marriage to Jamaican alien Donald Jasper Harris, Indian alien Shyamala Gopolan lied on federal immigration forms she submitted through Immigration & Naturalization Services (INS) to the United States Department of Justice and said that she was married.
The “marriage” lie was found in Gopolan’s Immigration Visa and Registration application “flagged” with the identifier “(b)(6)” for “unauthorized work fraud.” She also got the (b)(7)(c) flag for “unauthorized status changes.’ It meant each time she asked for permission to work she was already working.
“Shyamala, whose previous presence in the United States of America was under a student visa – had signed the federal “Immigrant Visa and Registration” form attesting to being married to an “immigrant.” The date next to her signature is February 3, 1986.”
“The late Shyamala Gopolan’s marriage lie appears to be among the first INS investigators exposed in the 154-pages of investigatory records reviewed that are contained in her United States Department of Justice’s alien file.”
As for dad, Jamaican alien and admitted Marxist Donald Jasper Harris’ visa had identified him as a “British” citizen of Jamaica as he concealed his work and research for the Jamaican government’s University of the West Indies. His dual role as a student and Jamaican government researcher violated the Foreign Agent Registration Act when he entered the nation in 1959. Identifying himself as “British” instead of an “African” citizen of Jamaica made him, like Shyamala Gopolan, appear to be Caucasian on paper.
The father of our nation’s vice president completed an economic research project in 1964 for the Jamaican government on computers he used at Berkeley. His secret presence inside the state-owned University of California as an unregistered agent and citizen of Jamaica gave him access to “national defense secrets” through its libraries and databases.
Shymala also submitted a middle name change for Kamala while under deportation orders.
There’s tons more, and statutes are cited. Source to be provided.
My head is spinning and we seriously need an attorney to review this.
Here’s your 5 bajillion words of legalese. Have fun! And just keep scrolling!
I’m gonna eat my hot roast beef and have a few more drinks.
🔥🔥Massively huge! Obama was a made man! His first presidential election was no accident, and was helped along by globalists and especially Google! Obama has been working with Google since at least 2004. And unbeknownst to most, Obama was actually a globalist himself!(See video clips.)
Not only this, the World Economic Forum partnered, Google, who helped make Obama, is involved in most major censorship. As already evidenced by me over the years. Google seed funded First Draft News, and even got what is now known as the CTI League Files started. Even having a hand in Newsguards start. Plus so much more!
This is part three of my series on, Elections, Obama, Ushahidi and Big Tech.
These below main globalist characters were all involved in getting Obama elected into his first presidency. And maybe even as a senator. By his second presidential candidacy, Silicon Valley created an entire tech campaign team for him. I have reported on this part previously.
The Trilatetal Commission, as I previously reported, is part of what made Obama, but it looks like Google helped the most.
Zbigniew Brzezinski - cofounder of the Trilateral Commission worked Obamas 2008 campaign and endorsed him
Mark Brzezinski - Son of the Trilateral Commission cofounder - worked Obamas 2008 campaign
Eric Smith Google CEO, Trilateral Commission member, and Bilderberg attendee. He worked Obamas 2008 and 2016 campaign’s.
Eric Schmidt also worked in the Obama admin while he worked at Google. It’s no wonder Google visited the Obama White House 427 times. Google and its partnered Knight Fndn was paying for censorship during the Obama admin.
Chris Hughes - Facebook founder, Council on Foreign Relations and Bilderberg. He worked Obamas 2008 campaign also.
“Prior to 2008, the tech industry maintained an especially low profile in Washington. All of that changed when Google, led by chairman Eric Schmidt, played a major role in Barack Obama’s first presidential campaign, as did Facebook cofounder, Chris Hughes. Obama’s win led to a revolving door between Silicon Valley and the executive branch, with Google dominating the flow in both directions.”
Google executives soon found themselves assuming roles in the Obama administration. Including Eric Schmidt who landed in the same Council of Science and Technology Advisers that Obama announced in the below mentioned video. Google's former head of global public policy, Andrew McLaughlin, was named deputy chief technology officer office. Plus tons more positions including on Obama’s transition team.
Obama and Google were synonymous.
Video clips: - Senator Obama 2007 at Google to debut his Innovation (tech) Agenda.
Video #1 quote by Obama:
“The average Americans incomes and wages have flatlined. They’re not making progress. And they feel anxious about it. And because they feel anxious about it, they are afraid of globalization. And that fear has been led by our politics. Now my strong belief is that globalization and a here to stay and is a powerful tool with potential for good. But we have to make sure that everybody has the ability to access what is good about globalization.”
Video #2
Google executive, David Drummond, mentions that in 2004, Obama before he was even a senator, met with the two CIA linked founders of Google, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, along with Eric Schmidt.
After announced, Obama admits that the founders of Google, Eric Schmidt, and David Drummond are great friends of his.
All sources to follow including the full video, and my thread on the Trilateral Commission.
Here’s my previous 🧵 on the Trilateral Commission, Barack Obama and his dear UK friend, Kier Starmer.
This gives you substantial background information on the Trilateral Commission.
When I get done here, congress if they have any 🏀 🏀, will have everything for an investigation into Google. Keep watching for updates.
Here’s the uncut video from November 2007. Obama mentions being a globalist and his worldwide and US globalist plans. It sounds almost like he wants to be a world leader.
You also get to hear about Obama and Google working together before Obama was even in the Senate. Obama was a made man.