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Dec 13, 2023, 30 tweets

(Thread) I’m asking Chat-GPT to make this pic of my dog increasingly more Scottish. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 🧵

Make him

More Scottish.

Even more Scottish.


Getting bleak

Keep going more Scottish please

Make it 100x more Scottish

Keep going


lol at the guy with the tail. More Scottish.

It’s getting mental again. Even more Scottish.

I asked for “more Scottish” it replied:

“The image now depicts a universe where Scotland is the epicenter of all existence, with the Border Collie as a cosmic deity embodying the ultimate Scottish energy.”

Deeper Scottish

Keep going

“The image now explores a conceptual universe where the essence of Scotland is the very foundation of existence, abstractly depicted as a pulsating core of Scottish identity and culture.”

The image now portrays a hyper-surreal dimension where Scottishness is at its most intense and vivid, transforming into a cosmic entity of pure Scottish essence.

More Scottish


Make the image more Scottish

Yaas FREEDOM ya bass

Even more Scottish please

Increase the levels of Scottishness far beyond anything that may be conceivable.

“The image now embodies Scottishness in its most intense and overwhelming form, transcending traditional representations to capture the pure essence of Scotland's spirit and identity.”

It stopped rendering the dug so I’ll end it there.

If you’d like to see more creative projects, I livestream from my studio at 1:30pm Mon-Fri, I’m always up to something.

If you liked this, check out this vid of a device I made that lets me shoot electricity from my fingertips.

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