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Built ad campaigns for multiple billion-dollar companies. Spending over $50K per month on ads and need help? Let's work together here:

Dec 18, 2023, 12 tweets

10 creative ads I've collected this week:

1. Ikea Duvets

2. British Airways

Principle: A picture paints a 1,000 words

"The world's fastest airline"

London > Singapore in a blink of an eye.

3. Checkatrade

Principle: The Social Media Billboard

Checkatrade put this billboard up next to Manchester United's Old Trafford stadium.

United's stadium currently has a leaky roof -- and it's one of their worst defensive starts ever.

4. Old Spice

Principle: Imagination Is Worth 20 IQ Points

Who said you can't visualise a smell?

Old Spice transferring the brand scent from the nose to the eyes.

5. The Friars Music Nights

Principle: No Idea Can Be The Idea

Don't have any budget?

Human creativity is your insurance policy.

6. Heinz

Principle: Anti-Fragile

If people are copying your product, use it in your marketing campaign.

Turn your copiers into sexy social proof.

7. Nutella

Principle: The Before & After

The product tastes so good you have to lick the knife clean.

8. Lego

Principle: Inelastic Budgets

If you're selling to parents -- don't sell them a toy.

Sell them on the benefits to their kids imagination.

9. Toronto Litering

Principle: Alchemy

If a marketing team can turn litter into a creativity -- you have no excuses.

10. Guiness

Principle: Flip the meme

Drink responsibly… by putting your phone away.

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