Nya Pfannerstill Profile picture
Amateur Clinical Ethicist. Coffee lover. Bacon buff. Incurable social media practitioner. Troublemaker. General beer maven BTC 18mJYFEeYSBJm1sX2S5NXz5rAkBzBsaHX

Dec 20, 2023, 17 tweets

🧵Let's take a look at the real cost of Trudeau Govt mandating electric vehicles.

Please stick to the end and see the apocalyptic impact of the Trudeau Govt Electric vehicle mandate to Canada and Canadians

(I don't even factor the $44Billion in handouts)

To start and make a baseline, let's compare the car costs of EV vs GAS
- lets stick with VW
A small electric VW SUV in Toronto is $65,000

A gas powered VW SUV is $42,000

Gas SUV $42 K
EV cost $23K more

Most homes built before 2105 have a 100amp electric panel.
A heat pump and EV are gonna need a 200amp panel
Looking at $7K to upgrade to 200amp panel
200amp panel $7K
Gas SUV $42 K
EV cost $30K more

Installing a level 2 mid grade charging unit is gonna run you abt $1000

200amp panel $7K
Charger $1000
Gas SUV $42 K
Electric cost $31K more

Car insurance can cost more with an EV.
The Honda SUV its about $240 more each year
For 5 years call it $1000

200amp panel $7K
Charger $1000
Insurance $1000
Gas SUV $42 K
EV cost $32K more

Battery warranty is 8 years 150,000kms. Driving 2,000km/month the warranty is gone in 6 years
The VW.ID4 battery replacement is $27K USD - so $36K CAD to replace - will save this for later in thread

We won't factor battery replacement in comparison, or maintenance for gas engine, but lets factor fuel savings

The gas SUV get 9.4L per 100KM
Driving 24,000km per year is 2,256L @ $1.50L = $3,384 in fuel each year

The ID4 uses avg 20kwh/100km
Avg electric cost is $0.14kw
So at 24,000kms per year the electrical cost is $672

Cost of each after 5 years (not incl battery replacement or maintenance on gas engine)

200amp panel $7K
Charger $1000
Insurance $1000
Electricity $3,360
Gas SUV $42,000
Fuel $16,920

EV cost - $77,360
Gas cost - $58,920
After 5 years EV is $18K more

This is where I wanted to get to

The Trudeau Govt is going to destroy the CDN economy with this lunacy

Let's remove the panel upgrade and just factor increased cost of buying an electric vehicle and its charger on Day 1

The EV SUV & charger costs $24K more than gas SUV

And smelly Steven Guilbeault has dictated how much new vehicle sales must be in electric vehicles each year
20% in 2026
23% in 2027
34% in 2028
43% in 2029
60% in 2030
100% in 2035

The crux of this whole thread is coming up - in 2021 there was 1,646,000 new vehicles sold

If The Trudeau Govt makes it a law that Canadians must spend $24K more for an electric vehicle over a gas vehicle, it means each Canadian buying an EV has $24K less going into the traditional economy which makes Canada work.

Using the numbers the Trudeau Govt provided, and estimating 5% increase in vehicles sales each year, (cause immigration), by 2035 the Trudeau Govt will have removed $324 Billion from the traditional CDN economy and gave it to multi national car companies

Factoring battery replacement costs after 150,000kms, by 2050 the Trudeau Govt will have removed over $1 Trillion dollars from the CDN economy and gave it to multi national corporations. That's 50% of Canada's yearly total economy, gone, poof

We all know that making a new law to force Canadians to purchase electric vehicles will make no impact on the climate or the total CO2 content in the atmosphere.
We must see things for what they really are, it can't be more obvious.

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