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Gay Of The Year 2023 🏳️‍🌈 👑 Taking on the #GenderLies✊🎶 True authenticity comes from accepting there’s more to you and your life than your self-perception

Jan 28, 17 tweets

1 / This is the guy who stalks #LetWomenSpeak in London and posed as a detransitioned woman to get friendly with some of the regulars and get info / contact details.

He tries to get people arrested for any and every reason so if you ever see him *do not engage*

He even wore Kellie-Jay merchandise and had an adult human female flag to pretend he was ‘on our side’.

2 / First time I saw him was Spring or Summer 2022. He was hovering around Reformers Tree, some women were talking to him and I walked up to them. “Oh my god, MrMenno, I looooooove your videos!” he said. “Oh great - which one is your fave?” He looked at me blank, didn’t have an answer. Thought he was a TRA.

Then a month or two later he joined us at a summer picnic. That’s when he wore a Kellie-Jay scarf and said he was a detransitioned woman. I asked him some questions about his so-called ‘transition’ and he waffled a bit. I didn’t believe him.

3 / March 2023 he showed up, again with his scarf and this time an adult human female flag. There was a group of TRAs trying to intimidate the women. I filmed as I walked up to the gathering, and you can see him chatting with his TRA mates (note the one with the pink and blue hair). As soon as he saw me filming he quickly walked away.

4 / After the event had finished and most of the LWS crowd had left it was just @AlfUpATree, myself and a couple of others… and this dude. As we walked away the TRA mob followed us. The police were following from a distance to keep an eye on us. The TRAs were playing loud music and shouting “There’s more of us than you!!!” Our little friend then pretended to ‘stand up to them’ and shouted at them, gave them the finger, and held his adult human female flag up.

So stunning and brave! 🙄

5 / We walked away, leaving the mob behind us. Here he is holding up his flag, then turning around and showing it to his TRA mates who came after us.

We were soon surrounded by them and so the police, who’d moved away, came back.

He’s in the middle with us, pretending to be all terfy.

@AlfUpATree 6 / The police made sure we could leave safely. As we walked off again he held up his flag to them and he waved at them as if to taunt them. This is that pink / blue-haired friend of his btw

@AlfUpATree 7 / PS just after #LetWomenSpeak finished he came up and said “Menno I’ve been assaulted!”

You can tell I didn’t much like that blue / pink haired dude who was hovering around (who said “I’m not with them, I’m not with them” after the vid cut off)

@AlfUpATree 8 / The next month he showed up at #LetWomenSpeak again - this time in 'disguise' as The Troon From The Moon, and brought his AGP-flag-coloured friend

@AlfUpATree 9 / Then in April he showed up at another event wearing the same gear, being a d**k with his umbrella (click link for vid). Someone managed to get a pic of him with the mask-thing off.

10 / The next time I saw him was at the LGB Alliance conference in October. He was out in rain 'protesting' against LGB people having their own event. The faces of the two next to him sum up how miserable their movement is.

Fred Wallace was also there, 'dancing in the rain' with his umbrella like a demented AGP Mary Poppins

@AlfUpATree 11 / Groomer and The Groomed?

@AlfUpATree 12 / And then he rocked up at #LetWomenSpeak today. Some people think he's the one who called the cops on @thames_pilgrim.

He's vile.

Feel free to add more pics / info to this thread.

@AlfUpATree @thames_pilgrim 13 / And here he is calling @roseveniceallan a 'fascist'. Claims to be 16.

@AlfUpATree @thames_pilgrim @roseveniceallan 14 / So you know how earlier I posted a vid of imposter-dude flipping the bird at his TRA buddies and holding up the Adult Human Female flag?

Here it is from the TRAs point of view, taken by his blue / pink-haired friend who posted it on TikTok

“Chasing off them damn TERFs”

@AlfUpATree @thames_pilgrim @roseveniceallan 15 / Here he is on TikTok saying you should “just punch people in the face.” Where have we heard that before? Oh yeah… ‘trans pride’.

@AlfUpATree @thames_pilgrim @roseveniceallan 16 / And so of course he did just that… and hopes he left a mark.

@AlfUpATree @thames_pilgrim @roseveniceallan 17 / Here they are together in another vid

Filter doing a lot of heavy lifting here 😬

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