Trent Telenko Profile picture
Married father of four great kids, Retired US DoD Civil Servant, Section 22 Special Interest Group list admin, Chicagoboyz-dot-net history blogger

Jan 30, 2024, 9 tweets

The Iranian proxy forces had this cheap victory of US forces using a drone version of a 82 year old tactic that torpedoed the USS Yorktown (CV-5) at the battle of Midway.

The Iranian drone followed closely behind a US drone to get past air defenses, just like the IJN torpedo

...planes did at Midway and Japanese Kamikazes did in the last 11 months of WW2.

It is very likely the trailed US drone had no IFF transponder at all, as the MX12B micro Mode 5 Identify Friend or Foe (IFF) transponder was only certified in 2021.


In all likelihood these dead servicemen are victims of a sluggish Pentagon procurement system geared to maximize the opportunities for Congressional campaign contributions and post DoD career opportunities.

The need for micro-IFF Transponders for small drones was a stated


...military requirement in the late 1990's, that is, 30(+) years ago.

This was in the aftermath of 1994 American friendly fire deaths when two USAF F-15's shot down two UH-60 Blackhawk over Kurdistan in 1994.


And even if the US drone approaching Tower 22 had a MX12B micro Mode 5 IFF transponder, there is no guarantee procedures for its use in an air tasking order were being followed.

It wasn't in 1994, which is one of the reasons why 26 US military and civilians were killed.


Getting electronic identification friend or foe right takes highly professional, multi-service and well trained air defenders.

A skill category that the US Military ran into the ground early in the post Cold War "Peace Dividend."

Demobilization is always a deliberate policy

...of firing all the best & most skilled specialists in the military, government and industry as "unnecessary costs."

They are always the first let go under the "End of History" delusion.

It has ever been thus in the USA.


And US Military always pays dearly via:

"Learning by Doing,
Learning by Dying" get those specialist military skills back again in the next war.


@threadreaderapp unroll please

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